Sunday, May 6, 2012

All Worked Up

I have a tendency to over-work my brain. I analyze and think situations to the ground. And why is it that things seem so much worse in the middle of the night? Last week, I tossed and turned, contemplated the ends and outs of a situation that has been bothering me. In the darkness of the night, I walked around my house, searching for a spot where I felt at peace. I made it back to my bed and eventually fell asleep. I really hate anxiety and those sick feelings that seep into our minds and bodies. I wish there was a real pill that just cleared all of them up.

As my heart pounds, I remember that the closest thing to a pill is prayer. The Lord’s plans the only way. Instead of getting worked up, we must surrender and trust. I find it hard to realize when it is my job to take initiative, and when I should return to the on-going annoying idea of patience. Why must patience be the answer to everything? And why is it so hard for me to trust and be patient?

I’m all worked up… and tired. Happy Sunday?

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