Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Small Town USA

By the end of school today, my brain was fried. I know I should have been starting next week's lesson plans, but I honestly couldn't even comprehend the paragraphs that were in front of me. The kids have been wired as they anticipate the upcoming long weekend. I'm just as excited as the next person, but I couldn't keep up with their energy levels today. 

Needless to say, I felt like I could have taken a nice long nap as I made my way home. I started feeling a little bit crabby because I was just ready to be home and relax. A lot of times I turn off the radio on the way home, which gives me a chance to think and enjoy the quiet. As I reached the "off" button, I heard Justin Moore's "Small Town USA." For some reason it was just the song I needed to hear to boost my mood. 

I teach in a very small district that many would say is in the middle of nowhere. It has taken some getting used to, but I find myself falling more in love with the slower pace and rural style. There is something to be said about the simplicity of country life. I grew up in a smaller community, and I remember everyone talking about getting out and moving on. We wanted so much to find something bigger... better, but the fact is, there is nothing wrong with the laid back lifestyle that tends to be the driving force behind smaller communities. Yes, everyone knows everyone. People are all connected in one way or another. I find comfort in this. It's as if you know that no matter what, someone is on your side, supporting you in one way or another. Plus, I looove country music.

Once again, I realized today that I am exactly where I need to be :-) 

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