Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mind Reading Music

I love my computer. I love the sound of the keys as my fingers grace across the 'home row.' There is nothing better than finding a good website filled with tons of interesting information. I sound like a complete nerd, but seriously what did I do before my Macbook? It's more than a tool for writing and researching; it's my favorite avenue to good music. 

Music changes people; it fits every mood. When I am feeling hopeless, I turn to Tenth Avenue North to uplift me. Sometimes I want to pump up my spirits, which can be done with Britney or Rihanna. For smooth listening I go one of two routes: country or Adele. My newest obsession (thanks to my friend Ellen) is Sarah Bareilles. Oh. My. Goodness. She has a beautiful way of exerting calming words in each song. Needless to say, she is my top station on Pandora.

For those of you who don't know, Pandora is an online radio station that you are able to personalize. I find it funny how some days the station is right on. It's playing everything I want to hear; I just can't get enough. Then there are days that I just can't find the right beat. You are only allowed so many 'skips' in one setting, and it is frustrating when I exhaust all of my musical options.

Overall, I love Pandora. Lately, it has been ready my mind. It's like it knows what I want to hear before I even do. This mind reading music is just the way I like it! 

Here's some easy listening for your Tuesday morning. Enjoy!

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