Friday, February 17, 2012

Stupid Songs

I have pretty sporadic taste in music. My iPod varies from country and oldies to hip hop and acoustic. I am not one of those people that claims to know a song way before everyone else. I don't call out bands on being posers if their music goes mainstream. If a song has good lyrics and a catchy beat, then I'm fan. 

Of course, there are a few songs and artists that make me cringe. If you want me to sprint out of a room or jump out of a car, then play the following stupid songs:

1. The Cho-Cho Train. I'm not claiming to be a good dancer, but I've got more moves than hanging on some stranger's back at a wedding to the beat of a train. Not my thing. Do you realize how annoying the song is? Do you realize how dumb people look linked to one another, chugging like a cho-cho train? Stop it. 

2. The Chicken Dance. For many of the same reasons, this song is ridiculous. Some person without any rhythm thought if they stood and waddled like a chicken then he or she would fit in? I guess I'm confused. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Someone should really teach these people how to dougie. 

3. Any song by Nickelback. Being one of the most hated rock bands doesn't happen for no reason. For me, I feel like the lyrics of their songs are very similar and often times shallow. Their sound is loud and obnoxious. All I know is that if I want to beat my head against the wall every time they come on the radio, then it's just not good. Shallow lyric example: "My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day is a gift and not a given right." Umm... thank you for that, because I've never heard that saying before. Next.

4. Red Solo Cup by Toby Keith. Honestly, this song makes me so mad that I don't even want to write about it. Stupid. 

5. Whip My Hair by Willow Smith. What's the point here? That an 11-year-old throws around her dreadlocks for fun? I really shouldn't be surprised that this drives me insane, mostly because I can't stand Will Smith either. Just don't get this song stuck in your head, because it won't be leaving you for a very long while. 

I could go on and on, but it's Friday. I don't want to spoil your weekend with these stupid songs. Find a good Pandora station and enjoy some good music on this lovely day. TGIF!!!!

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