Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Missing Passport

It has been a busy day for this banana and her family. I planned to come home yesterday to spend some time with my family before my trip to Haiti (my flight is Wednesday morning). Today started off pretty normal. I was feeling great after a batch of applesauce pancakes and a refreshing run outside. Hard to believe the beautiful weather in February!

I was sorting through a few papers when my mom asked if I had my passport. We soon realized that there was a misunderstanding, and my passport was no where to be found. After freaking out a little, yelling, and a few tears, my parents and I started to rummage through papers, searching anywhere and everywhere we could think of. The next step was to drive back to my house to dig through my bedroom. I won't take you through each antagonizing moment, but we didn't find it.

The ride back to my parents' house was pretty quiet. We were clearly nervous and unsure of what to do next. Mom and I talked about how this was a lesson that we would soon learn from. We were learning patience and responsibility. After arriving home, we continued to look in all the same places yet again. You could cut the tension with a knife. Finally, I decided to lay down and pray.

I talked to God. I realized that I had lost sight of why I was called to Haiti. I knew that God has placed me on this path to be a light to those I meet. I will be able to spend time with my Grandpa as we embrace the adventures of another culture. Losing my passport was a way to humble myself. After a few more tears and prayers, I realized I needed to go outside and get some fresh air. I walked to my car, thinking I would search under the seats, knowing my dad had already. I sorted through my CDs, and there it was... my passport.

I ran inside my house, shaking and crying. My mom was there to greet me with a huge hug. God had answered my prayers, and we all learned along the way. Never in my life have I been so touched by a "God thing." I am incredibly blessed, excited, and anxious for my adventure. God truly has a plan for me. What an awesome gift I have to look forward to.

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