Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm Ready for a Slow Down

Holy. Cow. What a week! Honestly, I don't know where to begin. Last week at this time I was moving all of my belongings into my apartment, which was just the beginning of so many changes. I was introduced to a new school with a brand new staff, curriculum, and procedures to get used to. I have been touched by the amount of support I have received from everyone. I am feeling very welcomed.

Thursday brought about even more newness. The students made their way through the doors of the school, and eventually my classroom. We spent the first two days warming up to one another, and as I left on Friday afternoon, I was feeling very good about the upcoming year. I was excited, but also wiped out from a week of changes, teaching, and learning.

As I made my way home on the soon-to-be all familiar highways, my car decided to add yet another adventure to my week. Yes, it stalled. I called my dad and, soon after, a tow truck. Happy weekend! I made it home a few hours later, ready for a shower and night of nothing. I tried to pull myself together, mostly because I feel like a scatterbrain. I am all over the place, and actually said aloud to myself, "Get it together, Anna." After expressing my frustrations with my mom, she encouraged me to think about all of the changes that have been occurring in my life.

1. End of summer and nannnying.
2. New job.
3. New apartment and surroundings.
4. More responsibilities.
5. Sarah moving to college.
6. School work constantly on my brain.
7. And now, car troubles....

Just so you know, I am NOT feeling sorry for myself. In fact, I have not cried once in all of this. And I know exactly why; Through all of the tribulations, I am right where I need to be. My excitement overrides my anxiety a thousand to one. I'm living out my dream every day! While I am so ready for a slow down, I am feeling blessed.

Once I get a car to bop around in, I will be welcoming the weekend with old friends tonight. I will be celebrating a new job placement for one of my best friends. It should be a great time! Enjoy the gorgeous weather everyone!

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