Monday, August 6, 2012


We live in a society that stresses the importance of independence. If someone seeks help - makes themselves vulnerable – we question why that person is unable to figure it out on their own. Somewhere along the way, I hopped on this train. I stared relying on myself a little too much. I wouldn’t consider myself to be bullheaded. I’m not afraid to ask for help in a store or directions when I get lost, but I still have a mentality that I can do it alone. Recently, I have learned that I am not that tough. More importantly, I have accepted that this is okay.

Sometimes I wonder if my grandpa can read my mind, or if God is just speaking to me through his words. He explained to me that he has been trying to “figure me out” and has concluded that he can’t and never will. We are two different people, and while we are living in the same world, we are also miles apart. He went on to say that I am very independent, which I first received as a compliment; however, that was not what he intended it to be. He shared that it was actually a disadvantage. It is important to be vulnerable and to be around people. We are not alone, and we need to surround ourselves with people. We must not be afraid to ask for help. We must not be afraid to share life with those we love and even those that we do not. 

This advice came to me as I am struggling in many ways to become an independent adult – stand on my own two feet. Maybe that is not what is intended of me at this point. I need to learn that my life is not solely about me. I am learning of the importance of being a light, but more importantly, sharing that light.

Independence is not necessarily the answer to solving our problems. Leaning on others, asking for help, and becoming vulnerable is the best way to share our lives. I wonder what society would look like if we practiced this. 

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