Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Wrap-Up

Summer Wrap-Up

Folks, the time has come to say goodbye to summer. Yesterday marked the final day of my nannying job that turned out to be such a blessing. With school starting on Monday, my mind is already moved onto a brand new chapter of my life. I wanted to recap the past few months, assuming so many changes have gone on – both good and bad. It’s important to recognize that I have really had “summer” since I graduated in December. I’m sure you are all very jealous of this; however, I have to say that this much free time and lack of routine is nothing to strive for. I am beyond ready to embrace a life of structure and even busyness.

So, what are some of my highlights? Here goes nothing!

Moving. I left behind eight years of Panthertown and embraced a new city. I absolutely love it here and haven’t felt bored yet. There is so much to do and have done my best to immerse myself it as much as possible. I have met so many new friends and been reunited with a few old ones. Moving was a bit of a risk, but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I knew all along that is has been a part of my plan. I am thankful to all of my friends that have accepted me and shared their time with me. Y’all are amazing.

Haiti. My ten days spent as a missionary in Haiti has forever changed me. I still reflect back on what I learned, how I felt, and what I was exposed to on my trip. Each time, I am overwhelmed with emotions of disbelief, love, gratitude, and humbleness. I will never be the same and I am thankful to everyone that made this trip possible. We are all very blessed people, and serving others in the name of God is nothing less that incredible.

Life with my grandpa. Both of use learned so much about one another over the past few months. While it was challenging at times coming from opposite ends of the spectrum, I am very thankful for everything he has done for me. He has served as a mentor along with his role as a grandpa. I also learned a lot about my mom’s childhood. Her and I have bonded in yet another way I didn’t think was possible. And, I would like to think that my grandpa learned a little from me too ;-)

Trips home. I considered a lot of the past few months to be an opportunity time. I was able to share talks with my mom, golf games with my dad, laughs with my brother, and be a part of my sister’s senior year in a big way. We have grown so much as a family over the past few years. In a way, we are more like friends. We shared the passing of our dog Molly and sat in the bleachers at Sarah’s basketball games. We have laughed, cried, and supported one another in any way we could. I have an amazing family and love making those trips home.

Fun with friends. Whether it was a concert, happy hour, or lounging on my friends’ couches, we have shared a lot of great times over the past few months. I am very fortunate to have different groups that I mesh into. I’ve been able to accept invitations to birthday get-togethers and barbeques. I have gone to movies and ran in races. Literally, I have been having the time of my life. There has been so much laughing and memories made. I’m one lucky girl.

Nannying. I mentioned that yesterday was my final day. While sometimes I was frustrated with the occasional fighting and laziness, I enjoyed my time with the kids very much. They are a wonderful family, and I was glad to have been a part of their lives over the summer. Not to mention, I learned a lot about myself. Kids are so cool.

YFC trip. Being a chaperone on my sister’s YFC trip was neat in different ways. I loved getting to know my sister and her friends better. I never realized how much alike Sarah and I are, but I’m not one bit made about it. We laughed and shared stories. It was cool to have spent time in Chicago walking down Michigan Ave. and seeing the White Sox game. But my favorite part was being able to serve as a mentor to the kids on the trip. They asked me questions about so many different parts of life. I was open and honest about my life as a Christian. I hope they will continue to come to me with anything at any time as they go off to college.

School excitement. Clearly, the biggest thing that has happened to me is getting my first teaching job. As I waited to figure out where I would be, I was overcome with anxious feelings. After being offered the job, I began preparing for the upcoming year. I cannot begin to describe all of the emotions that are shifting around in my right now.

Each day is brand new. The plans I have in store for me are great. Thank you to everyone that has loved, supported, and walked alongside me the past few months. I am very blessed. 

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