Monday, December 29, 2014

Consider Your Approaches

I find this time of year amusing. People are compiling lists of "bests" and "worsts" as we draw another year to a close. We also begin to generate lists of resolutions that will ensure a better, healthier year ahead. Cue P90X & Nutrisystem informercials. To be honest, I'm all about it. There is something refreshing about the idea of a new start. As we flip our calendars, we are granted a brand new year filled with endless possibilities.

We're approaching a new year. And because of that, it's important to think about how we plan to approach it. I got to thinking about a couple of my friends and their plans for the upcoming year. I thought about how their lives will change and even compared them to my own. I didn't spend too much time bathing in these thoughts because I realize we are all different. When I ask my students to read a poem, I expect them to approach it with an open mind. I know when they walk into their math classes, they approach that format differently. Maybe it's a stretch for me to be thinking this way, but I think we need to start considering how we approach different aspects of our lives.

The one element that is going to guide me into the new year is to approach it with an open heart. I want to be open to learn new things, meet new people, and seize each opportunity that comes my way. Life is exciting, and it's not meant to be spent with a closed heart.

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