Sunday, June 30, 2013

Things That Make Me Happy

There are a few things that really set the tone for my day. In a perfect world, my favorite songs would play continuously and a good book would always find its way into my hands. If that were the case, I wouldn't appreciate them as much as I should.

For those of you who have seen The Sound of Music (and if you haven't, shame on you), just as Maria sings about her favorite things, I am going to write about mine.

Fresh flowers. I'm not hinting that someone should send me flowers. I just really love picking up a fresh batch of daisies or lilies from the local farmer's market. The scent and sight overwhelm me with smiles. 

A sweaty workout. I really enjoy creating workouts with intervals and circuits, and personally challenge myself to leave the gym dripping in sweat. Now that it is nice out, I have been running outside. On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than coming in from a sweaty run. 

Clean sheets. Or maybe just clean anything. One of the smallest luxuries in life is sliding into clean sheets after a long day. It might just be in my head, but I'm pretty sure I sleep better in fresh sheets.

Funny commercials. I especially love the AT&T commercials with the kids. I really just love hearing what comes out of kids' mouths. It's so pure and innocent. But those commercials just seem to get better and better.

Coffee shops. The atmosphere of a coffee shop is just uplifting. People always seem to be happy and positive. It doesn't matter if I'm sharing a cup of coffee with a friend or typing on my laptop, I am always smiling when I'm near a good barista. 

Being poolside. This summer I have been a bit of a pool rat. I'm not afraid to say that I love baking in the sun. I kind of forgot how much I love that sun-kissed summer look. It really doesn't get much better than that. 

I hope today finds you in the midst of your favorite things :-)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

All Figured Out

In the mornings, I generally catch up on news (most The Today Show), blogs, and devotionals. There is usually a simple thought that sticks out in my mind and carries me throughout the day. Today I heard, "If we have it all figured out then we're probably doing it wrong." Yep, go ahead and ponder that for a minute.

Trust enough to move on.

There are a few elements of my life that are more content and "figured out" than others. But even then, I continue to learn and grow in order to make them better. I know that I am in the right profession, but do I have that figured out? Absolutely not. Like, not even close. Ha. I know that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, but do I continue to slip up and make mistakes. Definitely. Like, all the time. I know the importance of balancing my life, but I fall short there too. Newsflash: I'm human, and I don't have it all figured out.

So, what do we do with this? How do we handle the fact that we don't have it all figured out and never will? There are times when things start to fall into place, and then, like a domino effect, pieces start to crumble. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I have a bad life. Sometimes I just wonder, why? The fact is, we only see this moment. We can plan and try to figure things out through scheduling and guessing, but that will only take us so far. God's the only one that sees the big picture because He created that picture.

It's hard not to dwell on imperfections, past mistakes, and regrets, but it's imperative that we move on. We are not designed to see the whole picture; therefore, let go and let God.

Happy weekend!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Making a Place a Home

 It was almost a year ago when I searching for an apartment to call my own. It really wasn't much of a process. I knew mine was right for me the moment I stepped in it. I felt comfortable and safe, which to me (and my parents) means the world. Signing my lease was just one more step towards becoming an "adult."

For some reason, I thought after I had an apartment everything else would fall into place. In many ways it did; however, the process has been longer than I anticipated. I know this may come as a surprise to many of you, but you have to have money to furnish an apartment. Crazy, huh?!? Learning how to budget and distinguish 'wants' from 'needs' has also been a process. There have been high and low points, but honestly, I feel pretty good about where I am.

With that said, for the past year I have been searching for pieces that will perfectly fit in my apartment. When it comes to furniture and decor, I do not generally make impulse buys. I will spend a lot of time shopping around, searching for perfect pieces that will complete a look. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites that I have picked up along the way!

I discovered an amazing flea market not far from my place. I could spend hours there!

This cute little trunk was purchased at one of my mom's favorite shops!

Believe it or not, but I got this chair and end table at Gordmans! 

I'm slowing turning my place into a home :-)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Reasons Why Reading is Cool

I will start off by saying that this post has nothing little to do with the fact that I am an English teacher. Of course I want my students to be reading, and not just for school but for their own enjoyment. I realize there is a long list of activities that come before picking up a good book on a summer evening; however, I wish there was some way to convince people that reading really is cool.

I remember when Facebook was first coming out, and people were creating their pages. It was almost like a game to look cool for countless people that would visit and even creep around on Facebook pages. One of the sections: Favorite Books. Hummm... for me, this wasn't that difficult. There have always been a few that stick out: The Great Gatsby, Go Ask Alice, The Pact, Speak, and the list goes on and on. As I looked through people's Facebook pages and browsed through their interests, I would occasionally run across, "I don't read" or even "Books. What the *$%# are those?" Yeah, that really happened. I was automatically turned off when someone said they didn't read. It just isn't attractive to me. Maybe I sound stuck up, but reading is sexy. Can I get an "Amen?" 

Well, if you don't agree with me, then here are some reasons why reading is so cool:

1. It's personal. There is no right or wrong way to react to a text. You can think and feel anyway you choose. There is also a relationship built with the characters and the author that is yours and only yours. 

2. Experiences. You are able experience places without even traveling to them. You can learn about all different types of cultures, people, and places. Historical contexts can come alive as your eyes dance across the pages of a novel.

3. Imagination. Your brain stretches as you create pictures in your mind. Once again, those pictures are personal an often indescribable. 

4. It's cheap. Well, it's true. You can literally read for free.

5. You become a smartie. Reading expands your brain. Your creativity has a chance to come alive. Your writing and vocabulary improve, and let's be honest, intelligence is very attractive.

6. Topic of discussion. I can't tell you the amount of times where books have lead to great discussions with friends and strangers. There are also so many times that I remember something that I have read and that becomes the center of discussion. 

I will leave you with some pictures of awesome people reading. If they read, so should you.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Music Changes Things

I love music. I will listen to nearly anything, all of which depends on my mood. Yesterday I attended a funeral for a high school senior. It was one of those moments where, as a teacher, I couldn't help but think, "I didn't sign up for this." But at the same time, there is nowhere else that I would have rather been. Tragedies change families and communities, just as the music played seemed to change and move those in attendance.

Of course, music doesn't just assist in times of sadness. Can't you think back to a time when the music changed the entire situation? A school dance? An outdoor concert? That song on the radio that makes you smile? Music is the center of so many of my days, and, to be honest, I don't trust people that don't love music. It just isn't right.

When, where, & how music changes things:

1. Church. Recently, I heard someone say how the worship music lead him to church. I couldn't agree more. The lyrics sewn in with a harmonizing melody moves me to tears nearly each time I go to church. God's grace is forever present with the worship team, and they make it so real.

2. Country music in the summer. As soon as the weather changes, my radio is stuck on anything country. There is an innocence to the summer, a carefree attitude that overshadows any despairs. It makes you want to head to a bonfire with great friends and a few adult beverages. There are so many country songs that my brain directly ties to a hot summer night.

3. The club. Yep, I went there. But seriously, can you imagine going without good music? Not only is it way fun to let loose with friends, but highly entertaining. Tell me you have never overhead a girl scream, "Oh my gosh, I loooove this song!! Let's dance!" Shake it, girl!

4. Outdoor concerts. This is closely related to #2; however, it's worth setting apart. I grew up going to county fairs with great music, and I have so many memories of dirt blowing in the wind while singing along to the songs. Last summer, I saw Eric Church. It was a-ma-zing. He closed with "Springsteen" and as the crowd sang along, rain drops started to softly fall from the sky. It was almost surreal. I'll never forget that.

5. The peaks and valleys. There are those times when you are soaking up life, and music is alongside to pump up and add to the fullness of the moment. There are also those times when you are searching for comfort. Songs can speak to the heart, no matter what state it is in.

I feel like it would be appropriate for me to leave you with a song played at yesterday's funeral. While you may not know the meaning behind it, just enjoy it's goodness.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Living in Excess

Excess weight. Excess baggage. Excess money. Does living with too much deter us from the simplicity of what life was designed to be? 

This is not a spinoff of Super Size Me. This is not a relationship column instructing you to axe a toxic relationship. This is not me preaching about sharing your wealth with the poor. However, I do wonder if living in excess is clouding us from possibility of a more pure life. 

Americans are fortunate to have many amenities, many of which are unnecessary. Along with other first world countries, we believe we can do it all ourselves. We don't ask for help because the tools to accomplish something are within arms reach. But what about in second and third world countries? What do they do when they don't know what to do? A possible answer: pray. 

Recently, I heard a minister speak of healing and the power of prayer. He was talking about miracles, one of which happened in a country living in unimaginable poverty. They were praying, trying new avenues to reach God. Why don't these different techniques seem to work in the United States? Health care. Yep, we believe we can take care of it ourselves. And, why not? We have the means to do so. But, do we? God gave us the ability to have those resources. He gave doctors the skills to operate, medicate, and so on. 

We have way more than we need. I sit in my apartment and gaze at my surroundings. Yes, there are many "finishing touches" that I would like to complete in terms of decorating. I think back to my time in Haiti. I can't imagine any of the people I met there fretting about whether or not they should place a mirror or painting over the mantel. I wonder what they would consider excess. An extra pair of shoes that were bought from the market? This is ironic because those shoes most likely came from an American that thought they were junk. Our excess could be someone else's treasure.