Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Reasons Why Reading is Cool

I will start off by saying that this post has nothing little to do with the fact that I am an English teacher. Of course I want my students to be reading, and not just for school but for their own enjoyment. I realize there is a long list of activities that come before picking up a good book on a summer evening; however, I wish there was some way to convince people that reading really is cool.

I remember when Facebook was first coming out, and people were creating their pages. It was almost like a game to look cool for countless people that would visit and even creep around on Facebook pages. One of the sections: Favorite Books. Hummm... for me, this wasn't that difficult. There have always been a few that stick out: The Great Gatsby, Go Ask Alice, The Pact, Speak, and the list goes on and on. As I looked through people's Facebook pages and browsed through their interests, I would occasionally run across, "I don't read" or even "Books. What the *$%# are those?" Yeah, that really happened. I was automatically turned off when someone said they didn't read. It just isn't attractive to me. Maybe I sound stuck up, but reading is sexy. Can I get an "Amen?" 

Well, if you don't agree with me, then here are some reasons why reading is so cool:

1. It's personal. There is no right or wrong way to react to a text. You can think and feel anyway you choose. There is also a relationship built with the characters and the author that is yours and only yours. 

2. Experiences. You are able experience places without even traveling to them. You can learn about all different types of cultures, people, and places. Historical contexts can come alive as your eyes dance across the pages of a novel.

3. Imagination. Your brain stretches as you create pictures in your mind. Once again, those pictures are personal an often indescribable. 

4. It's cheap. Well, it's true. You can literally read for free.

5. You become a smartie. Reading expands your brain. Your creativity has a chance to come alive. Your writing and vocabulary improve, and let's be honest, intelligence is very attractive.

6. Topic of discussion. I can't tell you the amount of times where books have lead to great discussions with friends and strangers. There are also so many times that I remember something that I have read and that becomes the center of discussion. 

I will leave you with some pictures of awesome people reading. If they read, so should you.

1 comment:

  1. You literally just copied this from here: http://elitedaily.com/life/21-reasons-reading-cool/667383/
