Thursday, August 30, 2012

Human Garbage Disposals

Happy Thursday everyone! This week has been a long one. Y'all agree?!? At any rate, tomorrow is Friday, and I will be traveling to South Carolina for a girlfriend's wedding! The best part? I will be sharing the trip with my best friend, Katherine! The bride, Ashley, lived with us throughout college. It should be a BLAST!!!

The 721 Gang :-)
I'm all packed and ready for the weekend. I just have to teach in the morning and then head off to the airport soon after lunch tomorrow. HURRY UP TOMORROW!!! (Extreme)

I don't really have a good transition into my original topic, so here goes! Today I was walking down the hall only to find a few girls chowing down on a bag of popcorn. Not only do I find this a bit unnecessary, but they were so sloppy about it! I mean, there were kernels all over the place. Then I noticed a few kids drinking cappuccino (no idea where that came from) and others passing Goldfish around. Didn't they just eat lunch? I've never had a student turn down food. They love having birthday treats, random rewards, and when is the last time they passed up a meal? That's right... never. I just want everyone to know that I am surrounded by human garbage disposals. Help me, please.

Happy loooong weekend, my friends ;-)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'll Never Understand

Last Saturday, I leisurely made my way to the gym. I wasn't looking for an intense workout, just a little sweat session. I am a lady of routine, and I head to the gym each morning before school. I have always found morning workouts to be a great way to start my day. I don't dare tell people the hour I wake up in order to fit it all in because they think I'm bonkers. My fellow morning workout buddies understand ;-)

For many, the time of day in which they workout tends to stay the same. It may fit in after work or even late at night; however, I am going to go out on a limb and say that usually it's routine. Rarely do I go for a run after school or decide to jump off the couch to pump some iron after 9 p.m. My routine has stayed pretty consistent for nearly ten years now.

The reason I bring this up is that on weekend I see a whole new "breed" of fellow gym members. They are not the regulars that come in each morning before the sun comes up. This is neither good nor bad, but it's almost always interesting. Occasionally, I may spot a pretty looking guy, but rarely am I that lucky. Mostly, I just see weirdos. That may sound rude, but y'all know what I'm talking about.

Last Saturday, I hopped off the treadmill to see a guy doing martial arts. I'm all about mixing up your fitness routine; however, this was just plain strange. He's jumping around without shoes on, making strange noise, and turning heads left and right. My suggestion would be to just find a new place for that. I don't know.... Like, maybe his basement? back yard? anywhere but the gym?

Am I the only one that thinks this is weird? I guess I'll just never understand.

Guilty as charged. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It Ain't Easy

I found myself getting frustrated periodically throughout my Tuesday. I suppose I could place the blame on "being tired" like so many tend to do, but after a good night's sleep, I knew that wasn't it. I realized that I was disappointed with the overall attitude from my students. I wasn't taking it personally, because I know that it has been a trend throughout the classrooms; however, I still was left feeling a little down.

I really hate when people talk down about teenagers, calling them lazy and "driven by technology." I like to place them higher than that. I believe they have a right to voice their opinions and make their own decisions. After some of the actions I was seeing today, I'm began to wonder if I needed to change some of my ideas.

It was as if they were surprised that they were going to have to engage and learn something. Crazy that we would ask this of them at school, huh? I'm really not trying to complain, because I believe whole-heartedly in my students. Maybe that's why I was so bothered by their actions - or lack of actions today.

I got to thinking, am I making the lives of my students too easy? Am I pushing them to exceed beyond their own, and everyone else's, expectations? I am giving out material that I believe is at their level, but maybe I should setting the bar even higher. As students get older, their desire to learn becomes more of their responsibility. I am not able to force a student to sit down and write for me. Teachers, parents, administrators cannot hold their hand - or pencil - throughout their entire lives. I can expect that they will come to class prepared, but I cannot do the work for them. It truly is in their own hands. They have to take the initiative to get better. The hard part is motivating students, especially those that do not plan on receiving a higher education. Many of them simply don't care. While this is hard for me (and many others) to believe, it is a fact.

I am happy to say that life, well, "it ain't easy." There are going to be tasks we don't want to do, even students we don't want to teach; however, it is our privilege as teachers to continue trying to find a way to encourage and motivate, allowing each student to receive the education he or she deserves.

Keeping my fingers crossed for some energetic learners tomorrow... wishful thinking?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I really love technology. Have you ever wondered what we did before Google? If we don't know something, we Google it without even thinking. Somewhere along the way, it became second nature. "Technology haters" (this is not a technical term) say that people used to have actually read to get answers. If you haven't noticed, we are still reading online. Yes, it might be faster, but what is wrong with instant results? I actually think the convenience of technology has given us more knowledge in some ways. With easy access to the information, we are much more likely to take the time to figure it out. If something is "too much work," many times we forget about it and move on.

My sister is now settling in to her college routine. She has given me instructions to join all of these social networking sites and apps so that we can stay even more connected. Now, along with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and Instagram, I am on Skype and Voxer. Skype is a video chat room, and Voxer is a walkie-talkie for your phone. Crazy, right?!

This evening, Sarah and I sat down for a Skype date. Being able to see her while we talked was pretty cool, but the best part was seeing her dorm room. She moved her computer around so that I was able to get a clearer picture of where she will be living. All I could think of was how awesome it was to be able to be so connected.

I'm the little guy in the right hand corner ;-)
I'm wishing her the best of luck as she begins her first day of college tomorrow. I'm sure she will text, call, Tweet, or write on my Facebook wall at some point throughout the day ;-)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Life is a series of unknowns. There is no way of telling what’s to come, who we will meet, how we will react to a certain situation. While it is scary, we are reminded over and over to not be afraid. To be fearless.

This is just one more thing to add to the list of: “easier said than done.” After a restless night of sleep Thursday, I realized I must be fearless. Let go and let God. Stop over-thinking and allow Him to do His job. 

My sister headed off to college this week. It has been a transition for everyone in our family, but of course, Sarah is at the beginning stages of one of the biggest changes of her life. My brother and I talked yesterday about the freshness, newness of that first year of college. You act like you are ready to conquer the world, but deep down, fear sets in. The football games, parties, classes, campus events are all memories waiting to be created; however, sometimes it’s hard not to feel alone in a roomful of people.

Sarah and I have always loved the expression, “be fearless.” There is a sense of empowerment behind it, as if we can do anything. Sarah has been on my mind and heart more than usual these last few days. I can just picture her on campus - the little Bulldog on a big campus full of Mavericks. I know she is going to be amazing. She will be fearless when making friends, applying herself to school, and growing as a person. I have all the faith in the world in her, and I am very proud, and, because I love her, I pray for her to be fearless.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

English Teacher Heaven

Despite the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm getting acne from hanging around teenagers all day, I am loving my job. Honestly, it doesn't even feel like a job. I am faced with challenges, but I don't feel overwhelmed or stressed. I am not nervous in front of the kids, and I don't seem to fumble my words as I felt I did during student teaching. I'm sure much of this has to do with the fact that it is my very own classroom, with my very own material, that's being taught to my very own students. It's so awesome.

The end of my Thursday left me smiling. Not only did I feel productive, but I had a couple of really great class discussions. I am teaching a Short Stories course that consists of juniors and seniors. Each of the sections are rather small, which aids to rich discussions. The students read Flannery O'Conner's "Whatever Rises Must Converge" for class today. They were asked to identify vocabulary words and search for "power sentences." I was impressed by their ideas and inferences. So much of literature is interpretation. Finding personal connections allows students to comprehend and remember a story. I received excellent responses from my students. I am already very proud of their work.

After my first Short Stories class of the day, a student said, "If we do this (discussions) all the time, I'm really going to like this class." I told him that if they continue to come to class prepared to discuss and share, then we are going to have a great year. I encourage class participation as I can in my classes. It's very important to me that each student has a voice. It's my job to get to know them and listen to their words.

As my second Short Stories class was coming to a close, a student chimed in, "May I add an idea for the class to debate?" I was sort of taken aback, but I was quick to say, "Yes, please!" He went on to bring an entire new dimension to the discussion. That's right, my student directed our discussion. I was in English Teacher heaven. Needless to say, I'm going to be sleep soundly tonight, knowing that today was free of discussion dilemmas.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Naked Walls

Well, my apartment walls are still naked. To be honest, I don't even have a hammer and nails. Yes, I've lived here for two weeks. When I first moved I really thought I could just live with the bare necessities. You know, toothpaste & a few bananas. However, I soon realized that it would be important to make my apartment my home. With the help of my family, I have been able to do just that. While I am more than grateful for their assistance, I have now realized that I can't handle the undecorated walls much longer. I mean, my walls are NAKED. Pinterest to the rescue.

The other night, I spent way too much time (I won't tell you how much because you'll vomit) Googling, pinning, searching for decorating ideas. My walls are not only bare, they are large and white. It's starting to feel like prison. What have I come up with? Well, I don't want to spend a lot of money, so I'm hoping to use some of the things I already own. I have never had to furnish and entire apartment, only one room; therefore, my utensils are limited.

Here are a few ideas that I have come up with:

Grouping for my living room wall. I have a few different sizes of frames & mirrors that would work. Now I just want to find some printables, which are cheap if not free!

I just really like this. Not sure where or if I will try it out. I thought I could put pictures on interesting clipboards? That way I could change them out easily. 

I like the diagonals on this cork board. I could put this above my desk in my living room. 

I want to keep my bedroom simple, so adding a shelf with some basic frames/pictures on it will ensure a clean look. 
Now, let's see when I have time to put this all into action!

Monday, August 20, 2012


After a long weekend, I realized that I needed to spend some time alone. Last night, I laid in bed and listened to music. My life seems to be so unorganized lately. I can't seem to get a grip on anything, and for a person that is generally quite responsible, this has been driving me crazy. It's as if I lost my brain somewhere over the weekend. 

I was laying on my new bed, finally feeling a sense of contentment when I remembered: 

I realized that my distractions had taken over. I had lost sight of who is in charge. And then I remembered: 
The weekend was full of surroundings that were a part of a past life. I needed to be reminded that I am exactly where I am intended. And even better, I am very happy with my life.

 Today, I surrendered my troubles. I let go of any worries and enjoyed each moment. It was awesome. I love watching things fall into place after placing my trust in Him.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Love Yourself

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you, you love, well, that's just fabulous." --- Sex and the City

I've heard time and time again that you have to love yourself before you can love another. The other day, a student had a long list of things she was planning on doing right out of high school. I admire her ambition, especially as she talked about wanting to establish herself before starting a family. People are getting married and starting families much later in life. As a single person, I find comfort in this, knowing I am on a similar path to those around me. 

The older generations have a hard time grasping this change. They are unsure as to why so many young adults are focused on careers and traveling rather than planning weddings and burping babies. After I read this quote from Sex and the City, I realized that one of the greatest reasons young people are waiting is because they want to be secure with themselves. I would rather be single than in a relationship that wasn't right. Somethings take time, and building a relationship with ourselves is a work in progress. We are continually learning to take care for ourselves, love ourselves for who we are, not who we would like to be. 

Our worst critic will forever be ourselves; however, taking time to grow as a person and accept ourselves for who we are and where we are in life is important for not only ourselves, but those we encounter each day. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm Ready for a Slow Down

Holy. Cow. What a week! Honestly, I don't know where to begin. Last week at this time I was moving all of my belongings into my apartment, which was just the beginning of so many changes. I was introduced to a new school with a brand new staff, curriculum, and procedures to get used to. I have been touched by the amount of support I have received from everyone. I am feeling very welcomed.

Thursday brought about even more newness. The students made their way through the doors of the school, and eventually my classroom. We spent the first two days warming up to one another, and as I left on Friday afternoon, I was feeling very good about the upcoming year. I was excited, but also wiped out from a week of changes, teaching, and learning.

As I made my way home on the soon-to-be all familiar highways, my car decided to add yet another adventure to my week. Yes, it stalled. I called my dad and, soon after, a tow truck. Happy weekend! I made it home a few hours later, ready for a shower and night of nothing. I tried to pull myself together, mostly because I feel like a scatterbrain. I am all over the place, and actually said aloud to myself, "Get it together, Anna." After expressing my frustrations with my mom, she encouraged me to think about all of the changes that have been occurring in my life.

1. End of summer and nannnying.
2. New job.
3. New apartment and surroundings.
4. More responsibilities.
5. Sarah moving to college.
6. School work constantly on my brain.
7. And now, car troubles....

Just so you know, I am NOT feeling sorry for myself. In fact, I have not cried once in all of this. And I know exactly why; Through all of the tribulations, I am right where I need to be. My excitement overrides my anxiety a thousand to one. I'm living out my dream every day! While I am so ready for a slow down, I am feeling blessed.

Once I get a car to bop around in, I will be welcoming the weekend with old friends tonight. I will be celebrating a new job placement for one of my best friends. It should be a great time! Enjoy the gorgeous weather everyone!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ready or Not

Welp, today is the first day of school. The past three days have been spent meeting and preparing for the upcoming school year. It's been a whirl-wind, and my mind is totally fried. In fact, I fell asleep - in my bed - at 7:45 on Tuesday night. Needless to say, I was one tired teacher.

Wednesday afternoon co-workers were coming up to me asking, "Are you ready?" or "Are you nervous?" The fact is that I'm as ready as I'll ever be, and I do have feelings of nervousness every once in a while. For the most part, I am just excited. The more I did into the curriculum, the more ideas pop into my head. I see kids up and down the hallway, and I can't wait for them to seep into my classroom. It's going to be a good year.

The other English teacher and I were working through benchmarks and standards implemented by the state. It was tiring and overwhelming. I joked and told her that it takes all the fun out of teaching. Obviously, I was aware of these things prior to this week, but all of the work that is done behind the scenes of a classroom is finally hitting me. I am not lying when I say that teaching is complex and hard work. So, if you get a chance, thank a teacher.

I also realized how fast all of this is going to happen. While we do have the entire year ahead, soon I will wake up and my first year of teaching will be over. It's no secret that time flies. So, here goes nothing. Ready or not, here I come ;-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jump Right In

Yesterday was my first official day as a Saber! I felt a little nervous walking up to school, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that I will fit right in. The “small but mighty” school where I will be teaching is going to be a perfect place for me to start. As a first year teacher, you hear a lot of advice. Generally, people are trying to be helpful and they want you to have a good experience; however, it gets to be overwhelming when sorting through all of the information. Small schools allow a teacher to truly find their identity. I’m not exactly sure how I want to organize my classroom, lesson plans, or thoughts at this point, but I know that it won’t take long to get into a routine. I’m thankful for the flexibility of the small school that will slowly mold me into the best teacher I can be.

It didn’t take long for me to feel right at home. The other staff welcomed me as we played team-building games (my favorite… not). I was sure to be friendly and introduce myself to as many people as I could. After all, this is going to be my home away from home. I realized that this school is more like a community, rather than a "business" like some larger schools. I’m not saying one is better than the other, especially since someday I would like to be in a larger district. I just know this is exactly where I need to be right now.

On my drive home, I started to consider the possibilities of the year. I have always wanted to give my best, but for some reason I got an urge to be even better. I realized that I can finally take ownership of my work – my classroom, my students, my lessons. They are all "my babies," and I am excited to explore and grow. So, here goes nothing; I might as well just jump right in!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Bear With Me

Alrightly folks, this week marks the beginning of my teaching career! I. Am. So. Pumped (and scared shitless)!! There is so much going through my mind. Every once in a while I start to get anxious, but mostly, I am just ready to do it. How much can I really just talk about something? It’s time to get myself in action! I am as ready as I’ll ever be.

I think about the next couple of weeks, and I have a lot going on. Not only will school be taking up my time, but I get to head to Cedar Falls for a going away party, I will be traveling to South Carolina for a friend’s wedding, and I will be adjusting to my new life. All of these things are super exciting! Like, I can’t express to you how thrilled I am for everything. Eek!

What I am really inching towards is: my blogging may be lacking in the upcoming months. I want to try and keep up as much as I can, but let’s be real. I am going to have to put my job and “real life” ahead of a blog that a handful of people read (you people are AWESOME!!) Anyway, I don’t want y’all to think that I fell off the face of the earth. I simply will have a little less time on my hands to be coming up with random thoughts and spitting them out on my MacBook.

Sending you many hugs as this madness begins... 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

All Moved In

Yesterday was a BIG day. With the help of some great family members, I moved into my apartment!

I have moved quite a few times in the past, so it's really nothing new to me. I know what pieces to move strategically for the most efficient move. With this being said, I hate moving. How many people do you know that have said, "I love moving my crap from place to place"? Exactly. No one.

From my perspective, yesterday's move went rather well. My place is on the third floor, which left my body a little bit sore this morning. I'm sure it was from the couch that my dad and I maneuvered up and around the stairs. I must say though, I think we did a pretty good job, aside from the quarts of sweat that fell off my back. TMI? Sorry?

After everything was in my place, my parents and I decided to take a break over a few McDonald's hamburgers. We thought through what other necessities that would make my apartment more of a home. The mood was light and we enjoyed one another's company. I was very thankful for this because past moving experiences have been quite stressful.

My dad headed home to golf with a buddy, while my mom and I started to set my place up. We had a great time pulling things out of boxes, figuring out where to put pictures and mounds of clothes, and laughing along the way. Honestly, the whole day was just... good.

My mom headed for home, and I was off to Fareway to get some groceries for the week. I showered and realized that it was going to be a lonely night. Not because I was alone, but because I had nothing to do (cable and Internet are not set up yet). I pulled myself together and headed over to a friends' place. It was nice to chat with girlfriends. I am very fortunate for the wonderful people that have come into my life recently. It just makes me smiley and excited.

As I woke up this morning, I decided to make up my favorite coffee drink and sit on my balcony. I was sure to throw on my biggest UNI sweatshirt and savor the quiet before the madness of the school year. I feel so at home already. I am settled and happy :-)

Thanks to anyone and everyone that has helped - physically, financially, prayerfully. I love you all.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Wrap-Up

Summer Wrap-Up

Folks, the time has come to say goodbye to summer. Yesterday marked the final day of my nannying job that turned out to be such a blessing. With school starting on Monday, my mind is already moved onto a brand new chapter of my life. I wanted to recap the past few months, assuming so many changes have gone on – both good and bad. It’s important to recognize that I have really had “summer” since I graduated in December. I’m sure you are all very jealous of this; however, I have to say that this much free time and lack of routine is nothing to strive for. I am beyond ready to embrace a life of structure and even busyness.

So, what are some of my highlights? Here goes nothing!

Moving. I left behind eight years of Panthertown and embraced a new city. I absolutely love it here and haven’t felt bored yet. There is so much to do and have done my best to immerse myself it as much as possible. I have met so many new friends and been reunited with a few old ones. Moving was a bit of a risk, but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I knew all along that is has been a part of my plan. I am thankful to all of my friends that have accepted me and shared their time with me. Y’all are amazing.

Haiti. My ten days spent as a missionary in Haiti has forever changed me. I still reflect back on what I learned, how I felt, and what I was exposed to on my trip. Each time, I am overwhelmed with emotions of disbelief, love, gratitude, and humbleness. I will never be the same and I am thankful to everyone that made this trip possible. We are all very blessed people, and serving others in the name of God is nothing less that incredible.

Life with my grandpa. Both of use learned so much about one another over the past few months. While it was challenging at times coming from opposite ends of the spectrum, I am very thankful for everything he has done for me. He has served as a mentor along with his role as a grandpa. I also learned a lot about my mom’s childhood. Her and I have bonded in yet another way I didn’t think was possible. And, I would like to think that my grandpa learned a little from me too ;-)

Trips home. I considered a lot of the past few months to be an opportunity time. I was able to share talks with my mom, golf games with my dad, laughs with my brother, and be a part of my sister’s senior year in a big way. We have grown so much as a family over the past few years. In a way, we are more like friends. We shared the passing of our dog Molly and sat in the bleachers at Sarah’s basketball games. We have laughed, cried, and supported one another in any way we could. I have an amazing family and love making those trips home.

Fun with friends. Whether it was a concert, happy hour, or lounging on my friends’ couches, we have shared a lot of great times over the past few months. I am very fortunate to have different groups that I mesh into. I’ve been able to accept invitations to birthday get-togethers and barbeques. I have gone to movies and ran in races. Literally, I have been having the time of my life. There has been so much laughing and memories made. I’m one lucky girl.

Nannying. I mentioned that yesterday was my final day. While sometimes I was frustrated with the occasional fighting and laziness, I enjoyed my time with the kids very much. They are a wonderful family, and I was glad to have been a part of their lives over the summer. Not to mention, I learned a lot about myself. Kids are so cool.

YFC trip. Being a chaperone on my sister’s YFC trip was neat in different ways. I loved getting to know my sister and her friends better. I never realized how much alike Sarah and I are, but I’m not one bit made about it. We laughed and shared stories. It was cool to have spent time in Chicago walking down Michigan Ave. and seeing the White Sox game. But my favorite part was being able to serve as a mentor to the kids on the trip. They asked me questions about so many different parts of life. I was open and honest about my life as a Christian. I hope they will continue to come to me with anything at any time as they go off to college.

School excitement. Clearly, the biggest thing that has happened to me is getting my first teaching job. As I waited to figure out where I would be, I was overcome with anxious feelings. After being offered the job, I began preparing for the upcoming year. I cannot begin to describe all of the emotions that are shifting around in my right now.

Each day is brand new. The plans I have in store for me are great. Thank you to everyone that has loved, supported, and walked alongside me the past few months. I am very blessed. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Apologizing Power

Monday was a rough day at the nanny house. I’m convinced that the kids were multiplying. By the time I left at the end of the day, there were nine of them in the house. Normally I don’t have any issue with this. In fact, I enjoy meeting their friends and watching them all play together. However, if you add fighting brothers to a house full of kids, things get out of control pretty quickly.

I was worn out and tired by the time I reached home. I tried to pinpoint why the kids were misbehaving and where exactly the poor attitudes came from. I didn’t allow this to spoil my night and quickly put it to rest. Trying to figure out the minds of kids and teenagers is pointless; they don’t even know what is going on in there.

When Tuesday morning rolled around, I woke up feeling a little under the weather. I decided to just ignore the tickle in my throat and go through my daily routines and to-do lists. I was watching “The Today Show” as I waited for the kids to wake up. The youngest made his way down the stairs and started to head to the basement for a couple episodes of who knows what. We exchanged “good mornings” and “what should we do todays?” Just before he shuffled downstairs, he stopped and said, “And Anna, I’m sorry about yesterday.” I smiled and told him it was okay.

Whether or not his parents told him to apologize does not matter to me. It was a personal choice for him to say that to me. He remembered the day before, and felt compelled to make things right between us. The best part of my relationships with these kids is that they know, no matter what, I care about them. I’d like to think they feel the same way about me. We have formed a special bond over the summer.

The power of an apology – big or small – is huge. Sometimes it’s hard to set our egos aside and admit that we were wrong or behaved poorly. It matters when we take the time to apologize.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stress Signs

I have been making out with my Carmex all week long. Go ahead and laugh, but I can’t help it. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday with that sick feeling. My throat was scratchy and my body slightly achy. I ignored the symptoms and fell back to sleep. When I woke up to head to the gym, I noticed a cold sore on the bottom of my lip. “Just perfect,” I thought aloud.

I went about my usual day, applying gobs of Carmex and chapstick. Can you overdose on Tylenol? Because I had to have come close. I was just trying to prevent any sickness that I could have been contracting. With an upcoming weekend of moving and starting school next Monday, I just don’t have time to be sick.

I’m sure that these sick symptoms are most likely stress signs. The weird part is that I don’t feel very stressed at all. I know that worrying won't change anything. I can only prepare as much as possible and go with the flow. “Overprepare and go with the flow.” If it isn't already, this will soon become my motto.

You may think I’m just fibbing when I say I don’t feel stressed, but the honest truth is that I don’t. I know that I am making the right decisions. I am moving forward with a positive and excited attitude. I’m ready for the future to begin. It’s the best feeling in the world to leave the past behind us as we embrace the goodness of the future. 

Wish me luck on this cold sore and scratchy throat :-(

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Alright, I'm not trying to go all feminazi on you this morning by busting out Aretha Franklin tunes. I just wanted to share a few thoughts about respecting one's self and others. I really feel like it is an overlooked practice that we should all try to insert back into our lives. As I sat down to make my "classroom rules," I realized that all I really want from my students is for them to respect one another and me, along with giving their best each day. Respect is a huge part of our lives. We are constantly encountering and communicating with strangers, enemies, and best friends. I challenge you to show a little love and respect to everyone you meet today... and always.

Happy hump day ;-)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Wear Short Shorts

Sunday morning I walked outside and the smell of fall took over. The intense heat that has ruled most of the summer had finally subsided. It was a perfect morning that quickly turned into the clearest day of the summer. I couldn’t help but smile in excitement for the upcoming school year.

Along with the anticipation of the school year comes football games, new schedules, and back to school shopping. Monday I was back to work nannying for my final week. I can’t believe how fast the summer gone by! We had a busy day that consisted of registering the kids for school. We bopped around from school to school, checking out schedules and making sure the kids could figure out their locker combinations (which was quite the challenge).

I sat and waited while one of ‘my kids’ got his school picture taken. I was watching as the tweens made their way through the halls. It was pretty hysterical overhearing their chatter and watching them interact with one another. During all of this, I couldn’t help but notice the length of the girls’ shorts. Holy cow. I’m not saying you could see their little butt cheeks peaking out, but it was pretty close. I asked if the girls were able to wear it to school, and they boys looked at me like there was nothing strange about it. Apparently following the dress code is not the norm around here.

I’m not trying to sound like an ancient dinosaur because I realize what is sold in stores. I know that it is nearly impossible to find shorts that have inseams longer than two inches. However, I was slightly uncomfortable with all these short shorts staring me in the face. I can only imagine what it would be like for a male teacher. Just another way of preparing me for the upcoming year ;-)

Monday, August 6, 2012


We live in a society that stresses the importance of independence. If someone seeks help - makes themselves vulnerable – we question why that person is unable to figure it out on their own. Somewhere along the way, I hopped on this train. I stared relying on myself a little too much. I wouldn’t consider myself to be bullheaded. I’m not afraid to ask for help in a store or directions when I get lost, but I still have a mentality that I can do it alone. Recently, I have learned that I am not that tough. More importantly, I have accepted that this is okay.

Sometimes I wonder if my grandpa can read my mind, or if God is just speaking to me through his words. He explained to me that he has been trying to “figure me out” and has concluded that he can’t and never will. We are two different people, and while we are living in the same world, we are also miles apart. He went on to say that I am very independent, which I first received as a compliment; however, that was not what he intended it to be. He shared that it was actually a disadvantage. It is important to be vulnerable and to be around people. We are not alone, and we need to surround ourselves with people. We must not be afraid to ask for help. We must not be afraid to share life with those we love and even those that we do not. 

This advice came to me as I am struggling in many ways to become an independent adult – stand on my own two feet. Maybe that is not what is intended of me at this point. I need to learn that my life is not solely about me. I am learning of the importance of being a light, but more importantly, sharing that light.

Independence is not necessarily the answer to solving our problems. Leaning on others, asking for help, and becoming vulnerable is the best way to share our lives. I wonder what society would look like if we practiced this. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Loving Laughter

Despite all of the major 'life things' that are happening right now, I have recently found myself smiling and giggling a great deal of the time. Whether it is a sarcastic text, random thought from a friend, or a bizarre run-in with a stranger, I am loving the amount of laughter occurring in my life. Because I want to share this with y'all, here are a few ideas and pictures. Enjoy :-)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Nostalgic Nelly

Every once in a while, I look back. Sometimes I forget that I lived in Cedar Falls for eight years. That is a long time to have established friends and become comfortable with my surroundings. Don’t get me wrong, I am exactly where I need to be right now; however, sometimes I feel a little nostalgic.

I got to thinking about the things I missed the most about Cedar Falls. I know that I can’t go back; things are different. People have moved on and surroundings have changed. With that being said, CF will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Here are a few of the many reasons why:

UNI. It’s no surprise that I am a huge Panther fan. I love sporting UNI gear, along with following and supporting the university in any way that I can. I can say that without a doubt, I bleed purple and gold. There is something about that place that leaves me beaming with school spirit.

Mulligans. Yes, I loved serving and bartending. I loved the atmosphere and the people. While I may have complained a time or two, deep down I enjoyed all of the stories that spilled out of my experiences there. I am forever grateful to my managers, friends, and patrons that I met while being a part of the Mulligans family.

Biking. Of course I still have my bike now, and there are plenty of trails to explore around here, but Cedar Falls has a special ‘biker friendly’ atmosphere that can be found no where else. Whether it was biking with my iPod or with a friend, I loved getting lost (sometimes literally) to the rhythm of my feet in my Trek toe clips.

Scratch cupcakes, Cup of Joe’s iced coffee, and Tony’s pizza. Yum, yummy, yumm-o. Enough said.

Friends. I smile as I picture the amazing people that came in and out of my life while living in Cedar Falls. Whether it was the old men at the Rec Center, the friendly faces at Cup of Joe, or my beloved roommates; these people have touched me. I will never be the same because of the love and goodness I received from my friends that I now consider family.

Ah, memories. It’s good to look back, smile, and then be grateful for where I am now. As they say, my life in Cedar Falls was only a chapter of my life. There are so many more memories to be made with new people and places. Life truly is good. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Worry Wart

I have a lot going on right now. Between finding a new place to live and preparing for the upcoming school year, it would be very easy to spend my days worrying until I develop and ulcer. Of course, at night I begin to really freak out and ponder all of the things on my to-do lists. I have been doing a pretty good job at giving it to God and finding enough peace to fall asleep at a decent hour.

Last night, I found myself becoming anxious and unsettled. I began to worry that there would be a sleepless night ahead. I decided to search for some comfort in my worrying. I reached for my phone and googled "worry bible." Simple enough, huh? I found this website titled "4 Reasons Not to Worry: What Does the Bible Say About Worry?" The four reasons were simple and put me at ease.

1. Worry accomplishes nothing. Worry basically is a waste of time. I remembered the old saying, "Worry is like a rocking horse. It takes up all of your time and gets you nowhere." Why should we waste time fretting about things we have little control of? Give it to God. (Matthew 6:27-29)

2. Worry is not good for you. If you spend too much time worrying, it becomes a mental burden and can even make you physically sick. (Proverbs 12:25)

3. Worrying is the opposite of trusting God. Worry replaced by Prayer equals Trust. (Matthew 6:30; Philippians 4:6-7)

4. Worrying puts your focus in the wrong direction. God has an all powerful plan for us. When we worry, we forget just how good He is. We forget that He is with us forever and always. We must remember to trust when life doesn't seem to be going our way. (Matthew 6:25; 1 Peter 5:7)

I've been working on placing my focus on God and trusting His plan. There is no need to get any worry warts; they just aren't very attractive.