Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Wear Short Shorts

Sunday morning I walked outside and the smell of fall took over. The intense heat that has ruled most of the summer had finally subsided. It was a perfect morning that quickly turned into the clearest day of the summer. I couldn’t help but smile in excitement for the upcoming school year.

Along with the anticipation of the school year comes football games, new schedules, and back to school shopping. Monday I was back to work nannying for my final week. I can’t believe how fast the summer gone by! We had a busy day that consisted of registering the kids for school. We bopped around from school to school, checking out schedules and making sure the kids could figure out their locker combinations (which was quite the challenge).

I sat and waited while one of ‘my kids’ got his school picture taken. I was watching as the tweens made their way through the halls. It was pretty hysterical overhearing their chatter and watching them interact with one another. During all of this, I couldn’t help but notice the length of the girls’ shorts. Holy cow. I’m not saying you could see their little butt cheeks peaking out, but it was pretty close. I asked if the girls were able to wear it to school, and they boys looked at me like there was nothing strange about it. Apparently following the dress code is not the norm around here.

I’m not trying to sound like an ancient dinosaur because I realize what is sold in stores. I know that it is nearly impossible to find shorts that have inseams longer than two inches. However, I was slightly uncomfortable with all these short shorts staring me in the face. I can only imagine what it would be like for a male teacher. Just another way of preparing me for the upcoming year ;-)

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