Monday, March 3, 2014

Changes Aren't Always Comfortable

I have had the opportunity to attend some enriching professional development workshops over the past few weeks. The days do get long. My brain is generally fried, and my butt is mostly numb, but I have found myself "professionally developed." For those of you who are not teachers, I won't bore you with crazy acronyms or the latest buzz words in the educational world. What I will tell you is something you may already know - every student deserves a rich education. The ways that we get there are long and difficult for some. As a teacher, it is my job to give each student the gift of being a life-long learner. This is something that excites me beyond words. I have the most complex and rewarding job on the planet, and I love it.

What I really wanted to share about today is the idea of change. There are many changes going on right now in the field of eduction. As you may know, we are adopting the Common Core to ensure that when students leave our schools they are career and college ready. A pretty difficult task, huh? Yes... and extremely important.

What I have found in talking to other teachers is fear. Yep, many of us are afraid of change. Old strategies and lessons are going to have to be forgotten and replaced. These changes can be uncomfortable. We may feel like we are failing at first, but eventually they will benefit the needs of our students. Why change? Because it's what is in the best interest of our students. It's not about the teachers, not about their comfort. It's about our duty to provide the best possible education for each student that walks into our classrooms. They all deserve a chance.

It's time for teachers to step aside and place the needs of our students before our own. No, changes are not always comfortable, but they are often worth it.

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