Monday, January 12, 2015

The Art of Openness

I've always hated the saying, "Ignorance is bliss." This couldn't be further from the truth. Not knowing or understanding shouldn't consider this blissful. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Continuing to be ignorant and not open to learning more is a disservice to ourselves and those around us. Instead, we should be open to the opportunities to learn and grow.

The idea of "openness" has been following me around the past few weeks. I am in love with learning, and it's impossible to do so without an open mind.  Along with that comes admitting when we are wrong. The times when I've learned the most are when I was way off base in the first place. In education, we call these "teachable moments." We haven't necessarily set out to learn about something; it just happens. I can promise you that these rich opportunities don't come with a closed mind. Open minds help to dissolve ignorance and improve the possibilities of learning. The art of openness.

By opening our minds, our eyes and hearts are not far behind. If we are willing to learn more, we begin to see things differently. Everything becomes a possibility rather than just another mundane part of life. Slowing down and really seeing life is pretty amazing. It bothers me that people think they need to walk beaches in the Caribbean or climb the Rocky Mountains in order to see beauty. With open eyes, we don't have to travel to see great things. With open eyes, I see a struggling student excel on an essay or a perfect sunset on a chilly run. The art of openness.

Without sounding too trite, the open heart is probably my favorite. We were designed to be loved and love others. Kindness pours from us when our hearts our open. I have been focused most on opening my heart to more than just my friends and family, but to everyone that I encounter. It may sound like a crazy idea -- loving a stranger, but with this comes a great sense of peace. Kindness and love are contagious. Why wouldn't we want to spread them? We must open our hearts, sharing these great things with everyone we meet on our paths. The art of openness.

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