Friday, May 31, 2013

A Clean Heart

Looking back on when I first began my blogging journey, I realized that my topics have become much more serious. While this may be a sign of maturity (could it be possible?!), in some ways it reflects greatly on my emotional and spiritual growth. My sense of humor will forever remain the same; however, lately I have been writing what is on my heart.

I recently found myself reading in the book of Job. I am no expert, but he sounds like a pretty smart dude. He addresses the question, "Why do the righteous suffer?" In a broken world, this is a common question that so many try to decode. I have heard people say that God places "hiccups" in our lives so that we learn that we are unable to do it on our own. We want control, but God wants the total opposite for us. He wants our trust to remain solely in Him. Why is this so hard for us? Answer: We are human.

Just for the record, I hate those "Keep Calm and (fill in the blank)" signs. In my mind, they are totally overused; however, this is exactly what we are being asked to do. "Keep Calm and Trust God." I read today that in order to find peace, we must be silent, slow down, and live for today. It is not our job to plan (unless it's a to-do list on a post-it note, of course). Our job is to trust. Surrender it all to Him.

"Stop quarreling with God! If you agree with him, you will have peace at last, and things will go well for you. Listen to his instructions, and store them in your heart. If you return to the Almighty and clean up your life, you will be restored." - Job 22:21-23

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