Friday, February 7, 2014

Waiting Past the Knots & Tangles

We are constantly being told to live in the moment. Today is all that we can handle, so why stress about the past or worry about the future. Personally, I do my best to live one day at a time. I pray to forgive past mistakes and patiently wait for what is to come; however, this is a daily battle. I am continually tripping and falling because I am human.

This week was very trying for me. There are a lot of uncertainties in my life that are causing stress (and yes, even a zit on my forehead). I have been losing sleep, eating horribly, and feeling down about myself. Enter self-loathing, and you've got a pretty fun person to be around. I guess I'm in one of those ruts that seems difficult to dig out of. My friends and family tell me it's probably the time of year, and who knows, they could be right. No matter where these feelings stem from, I need to figure out how to flip the switch and move forward.

Today I read a kind of cool analogy about life: 

"And remember, our lives our like tapestries, we may only be able to see the one side that looks like knots and tangles thread, but on the other side, each one of those knots and tangles are a part of a beautiful picture."

I have been frustrated because I only see what is going on right now. I focus too much on the knots and tangles of my past, while I should be patiently waiting for the beautiful picture in the end. 

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