Sunday, February 23, 2014

Where We Wait

I was driving home after church this morning when I started feeling anxious. Uncertainties in my life started bubbling up, leaving me with knots in my stomach. After talking to my mom, she suggested I write about it.

The fact is, I know I shouldn't worry. I know that it is all taken care of. I trust in Him; however, I am still human. I still wrestle with decisions and become anxious about the future. The only way I know how to deal with these feelings is to pray... and wait. I wait for an answer. I wait to know what is coming next. Instead of robbing myself of today, I place those problems in the hands of God.

What happens when the answer doesn't come when I think it should? I wait patiently because it's not about me. It's about God's great plan for me. Where does He need me to be in order to serve Him to my full potential?

I started thinking about this "wait time." Because the timing is in His hands, I need to wait for His lead. I can't the driver's seat of my life and expect it to all work out. I don't know what the future holds, but He does. In the meantime, how I spend my wait time is crucial. We can spend that time worrying and overanalyzing the past or future, or we can spend it in peace. We can surrender our problems and live joyfully. Where we wait makes all the difference in the world. Where we wait determines how we spend one of God's greatest gifts - the present.

"I will not fear the storm. Your help is on the way."

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