Monday, June 23, 2014

The Power of Variety

I think it's pretty safe to say that many of us find ourselves in a rut. The mundane routines prevent us from fully experiences things in life. Seeking a bit of variety can really make a difference.

I realize that there are some things we can't avoid. Yes, we have to work, buy annoying items like toilet paper and body wash, and even make appearances at not-so-fun social events. Life isn't about being excited all of the time. There are peaks and valleys, all of which keep us in check.

But, what if we added variety to those things we do have control over. Rearrange your furniture, take a new route to work, or try a new salad for dinner. I really started thinking about this as I went for a morning jog. It was amazing. My body was rested and in-stride just as it should be. I felt healthy as I dripped with sweat through the morning fog and humidity. I couldn't help but wonder, "Why am I running so well?" I truly believe it was because I have been adding a lot of variety to my workouts. I've been practicing yoga, doing new circuit workouts, and riding my bike. Now I love running, but it started to become a struggle. My body was tired of it, and it was making me feel pretty down. Running has always been something I can turn to when I feel blah. Just like many parts of life, I needed to change it up. My body needed something different.

I love this thought. Why do we have an entire box of crayons if we only use a handful? The power of variety is in our own hands. I'm challenging you, and myself, to find use of those other crayons today. 

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