Sunday, June 7, 2015

Life Just Sucks Sometimes

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that life isn't fair...well, you get the picture. The truth is, life just isn't fun sometimes. But the good news is summed up in one of my favorite phrases, "It's a bad day, not a bad life." Recently, I've had a few different personal issues that I can't really shake. These issues are following me and a few of the people that I love. It's hard to continue on when life seems so easy for those around you. While it may just be a masked image, it still can hurt and seems nearly impossible not to play the comparison game.

As I grow older, I realize more that everyone has their thing. It may not seem like a big thing to us, but it's still their own hurt that they carry. I don't like when people say, "The things you complain about someone else may be praying for." Just because their problem looks "bigger" than someone that you are struggling with doesn't mean you can't hurt. You own whatever struggles come your way. Whether it's a health issue, change in jobs, or even as small as an argument at work. You have every right to hurt. We need to realize that life just sucks sometimes, and there is a reason it does. God gives us these struggles because it's not supposed to be easy on this side of heaven. We are imperfect sinners. The important part is that we accept His grace and continually ask for forgiveness.

Yes, life sucks sometimes, and that's okay. But it's not okay to get stuck in this times. At some point, we need to pull ourselves out of our slumps. It's going to be hard, but life is meant to be lived. While it may seem that you are constantly being dealt a bad hand, you're strong enough because God is not only walking alongside of you, but also in front of you. One day at a time, things will get better.

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