Saturday, February 25, 2012

Call Me Creepy

The other day I was at work, sitting by the bar, listening to the conversation of two men. Before you go jumping to conclusions, they were at least ten bar stools apart from each other, and clearly they had never met previously; therefore, I wasn't being too creepy. Plus, they were talking about golf courses in Iowa, so it wasn't like the conversation was private.

I found myself listening, nodding my head, and making eye contact with them as they spoke. Now you can call me creepy. Once I realized what I was doing, I started to act busy by "cleaning" various items behind the bar. I really wanted to contribute to the conversation, but I'm pretty sure they would not have appreciated my input on the 2005 9-hole course of the year that I am familiar with.

Then just yesterday, I was substitute teaching and a student was pulled out in the hall by the principal to be scolded for one reason or another. The class was small, and one of other students stood up to listen in on what was going on, so she stuck her ear out the door. The worst part is, I kind of wanted to know. I guess that just means I'm human, right?

Why are we so interested in the conversations we are not a part of? We strive on the drama of others, hoping that it is "worse" than ours, right? It's not like I sit right next to someone who is whispering about the latest gossip, but if people are talking loud enough, they have to kind of expect it.

People really don't realize how loud they talk. I was with a few girlfriends the other night. We were gossiping and "catching up" on who knows what. I know that we were speaking loud enough for those around us to listen in, but I suppose that is the risk we take.

When I got the idea to write this blog, I didn't realize it would come across so kooky. Sorry, but I guess you can just call me creepy. Enjoy your Saturday..... And stay out of trouble ;-)

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