The time has finally come! Tomorrow morning I will be on a plane, heading to West Palm Beach, Florida before hoping a plane to Pignon, Haiti. I am thoroughly excited for the opportunity that lies ahead of me and the rest of my mission group.
Around Christmas time, my grandpa came to me with the idea to serve in Haiti with a group from his church. It didn't take long for me to realize how great of an opportunity this is, so I latched on to the idea with little hesitation. Our group is in charge of constructing desks for one of the local schools. Along with this, we hope to reach out to the people, learning about their culture and lifestyle. Honestly, I'm not sure what to expect, but I am going into this opportunity with an open mind and open heart. I am ready to learn and love freely.
People have asked me if I am nervous or apprehensive about the trip, and I really am not. I know I am in the hands of good people. I know that my heart is in the right place. I am nothing but excited for this adventure. Now, hopefully I can sleep tonight!
Programming note: I will be unable to blog while I'm gone (relax, don't cry). I will have access to a computer, but this will be rather limited. I will miss my blogging buddies. I cannot wait to share this experience when I'm back! Take care!