Monday, October 7, 2013

In Need of a Hug

Happy Monday, everyone... Or is it? Generally Mondays don't bother me. We've got to start somewhere, right? Well, this Monday in particular was not my favorite. Without going into details, I was disappointed and discouraged. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing the 'two steps forward, three steps back' game. I realize that every day cannot be off the charts, but today I just couldn't seem to catch a break. Yes, I'm throwing a pity party, and yes, you're invited.

I complained a little bit after school. I said a few choice words, but vowed to leave it at the door as soon as I stepped into my apartment. I poured myself a class of wine and made a nice dinner. After catching up on the latest E! News, I realized that I needed to vent just a little bit more... hence, me writing this blog post.

BUT.... I also realize that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I know that the events that unfolded today were nothing more than a few annoying, unnecessary issues. If things went smoothly each day, I wouldn't appreciate the good ones. There are days when I look around my classroom as the kids work diligently on their assignments and think, "Wow... I'm living my dream." Yes, there are good days and there are bad days. All of them are important in one way or another. In fact, I just heard on the radio today that we stress so much about an hour, a day, a year, when in fact, it is all just a glimpse compared to the eternal life that we have been guaranteed.

We are also given the gift of a new day. I am excited to start my Tuesday off fresh. I just really think a big hug would make today much better... or maybe a glass bottle of wine?

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