Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Silver Lining

This morning, I woke up thinking: "This is not the way it is supposed to be." I have been stressing out, moping about over things that I have little control over. I had to run 8 miles for my half-marathon training, so I decided to listen to a podcast as I laced up my running shoes. It was a youth sermon based on God's Plan. It's something I have been wrestling a lot with lately -- trusting God's plan and realizing that I need to live out His purpose. 

While the sermon was very rich, a few things stood out to me. The minister had two teenagers do a demonstration where one directed the other to take steps forward, left, and right. He used this to show that we don't always know why we take the steps God has planned. In fact, to us it might seem as though we are moving back and forth. The best part is that He does know. He is planning each step, and sometimes His steps keep us from getting hurt or being put in the wrong situation. 

Also, God doesn't make mistakes. We take risks and it sometimes feels like we fail. If we have accepted Christ and have decided to live out His purpose, then there are no such thing as failures. It is all simply a part of the grand plan.

I don't know what is next for me, but what I do know is my prayer is: 

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