Saturday, September 20, 2014

Staying Hopeful

Yesterday one of my co-workers made the comment, "It's time for a weekend." I was feeling tired and worn-down, so I nodded in agreement. It wasn't a particularly good or bad week. It was just long and full. In fact, mid-week, I made my way to Des Moines for a concert with friends. This may sound a little crazy, but we bought the tickets early last spring. Plus, it was Eric Church, and I would do nearly anything for him (maybe a slightly extreme comment). A good country concert is one of my favorite things. It was so much fun, and I couldn't stop smiling as I sang along with some of my best friends. It felt great to see them and was a wonderful escape from reality.

I planned on going home this weekend to spend time with family, but after traveling to DSM and feeling behind in school work, I decided against it. After a good night's sleep and a slow-moving Saturday morning, I'm pleased with my decision. I've been drinking coffee and casually reading. (Like, for fun... not for school!) Best of all, I've got college football playing in the background.

This year, I haven't had to commute, which is awesome. When I drove on Wednesday, I was taken back to those times on the road where I could think, listen to music, think, talk on the phone, and think. I can't say I miss driving (or filling up my gas tank), but it was nice to spend some time with my own thoughts. Every once in a while, I start to get anxious about the future because there are so many aspects that I'm unsure about. While I was driving, that wasn't the case. I realized that I have a lot to be happy about. Even more than that, I have a lot to be proud of. Just five years ago I would have never imagined this would be my life, but things have a funny way of falling into place. Do I still wonder? All the time, but I also trust that it will be okay.

Meanwhile, I think it's important not to sit around and let life happen to me. We are all in charge of day-to-day happiness. This must be a choice we make. We can't leave it all to fate. This is one of my new revelations, so I'm learning what aspects of life I have to let go and others that I need to react to. Life can be so complicated, but if we take it one day, one decision at time, it doesn't seem as overwhelming. Stay hopeful.

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