Saturday, November 9, 2013

Book Transformation

A few weeks ago, my co-worker and I went to an English teacher conference. It was two days and, for the most part, full of good information. Much of the conference was based on young adult literature. I loved this aspect, mostly because I love reading and helping develop young readers in my classroom. This is one of the biggest challenges as a teacher -- finding books that kids can relate to and creating life-long readers.

During one of the keynote speeches, the speaker went through a list of YA literature that she has found to be, in some way or another, transformative. I was jotting down book titles. There are just so many wonderful books that are waiting to be explored. Finally, the speaker flipped to The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene. She asked the room full of English teachers who had read it. Over half of the room raised their hands. "This book will change your life," the speaker announced. I looked around at the faces of my colleagues. Everyone was nodding in agreement. Their faces changed, and there was a murmur of comments from those that had been touched by this piece of literature.

It was only a matter of time before I clicked "add to cart" on Amazon. I started the novel last weekend and completed it Thursday night.... pause.... (Honestly, I don't know what to write because I am still a little dazed and speechless.) I will tell you I have never been that touched by a book. I was sobbing uncontrollably, feeling like the characters were my best friends.

It wasn't until now that I could (sort of) figure out what it was about this book that uncovered these feelings. The two main characters battle cancer; however, this is not the main focus of the book. It's about how they live with cancer, not how they die from it. They use humor as a way to deal with their insecurities. The dialogue between them is so real. It is exactly how teenagers speak.

I am not even doing this book justice as I write this post. All I can say is that if you don't believe in book transformation, you need to pick up this book. Savor it. Enjoy the remarkable craft of this author. Indulge in the characters, for they are amazing.

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