Sunday, December 22, 2013

Unscrooged Hearts

Why is it so hard to be genuinely happy for others? We've all been there. A friend gets engaged, a colleague gets a promotion, an acquaintance on Facebook just had "the best day ever." Ideally, I would cheer those people on with a huge smile on my face; however, part of me feels jealous and envious. I am not proud of this because it makes me feel like a terrible person. It makes me feel ungrateful, which is far from the truth.

This morning, I read a devotional by Max Lucado. He spoke of the "uneven compensation" that we often feel. Why does God allow certain circumstances to happen to someone else but not me? I look around and see happy people. Especially during this time of year, people are surrounded with friends and family; however, I often feel lonely. I start to question why my life is the way it is. I begin to compare myself to others and question what I am doing, and even worse, I question God's plan.

These toxic comparisons don't have to drive my heart. I have the power to change my attitude, my thoughts. How? Prayer. Just has Max Lucado suggested in his devotional, only the grace-given can give grace back. We must let grace "unscrooge our hearts." I love this idea. After receiving God's grace, we can give it back; we can genuinely be happy for others.

Not too long ago, someone asked me how to live in the moment. "How do I learn to appreciate where I am right now?" My best answer was to slow down. Look around you. The last day of school before Christmas break, I sat in our gym and looked around. I was overwhelmed with happiness. Yes, things are not perfect, but I am at this point in my life for a reason. I am blessed, and I must remember this during the Christmas season.

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