Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Be Where You Are

I have a tendency to compare myself to others. There are benchmarks that I believe I should meet at certain times, and if I don't master them at a certain time, I beat myself up. I realize that many people do this, and I'm starting to wonder why. Who set these benchmarks? Why do we feel the need to be at the same level as those around us?

Recently, I had a close friend tell me that I'm too hard on myself. I always thought I had pretty good self-esteem. I've listened to others put themselves down, watched them hurt themselves, but I never placed myself in the same category. I silently judged and placed them in the "broken" category. It wasn't until recently that I realized that everyone, in one way or another, belong in that category. We are all imperfect. Could I have been that insecure person all this time? If not, when did I lose that confidence?

How can we truly be happy if we are comparing ourselves to everyone else. Theodore Roosevelt said, "Comparison is a thief of joy." Placing ourselves in this comparison trap strips us of the greatness of each day. That person that seems to "have it all" is not perfect. None of us are. But we all deserve happiness each day.

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