Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Lesson in Contentment

The end of last week was a little chaotic. I had family staying at my place for different reasons. While it was a little unexpected, I was able to spend time with my mom and brother, watch football until I was blue in the face, and enjoy a few belly laughs. Since I’ve lived alone for so long, I forget how comforting it can be to have people around.

With all of that said, by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, feelings of discomfort began to set in. For some reason, I was feeling uncomfortable and unsettled. I drove home after church and shopping with a pounding headache. I started wishing I had an extra day in the weekend. I was sure I had a lot to do in order to get prepared for the week, but I was not in any mood to work at school or do a yoga sequence. I simply wanted to lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself. Why was in such a mood? This discontent rolled on throughout the day until I slid into bed with a book in hand.

This morning, I tried to wrap my head around those feelings of discomfort. I went for a run on the treadmill, which always helps to clear my mind. I came to school in a fairly good mood, but that “spark” just hasn’t been there today. As I sat at my computer, I was reminded of a quote from Rick Warren, “God is more interested in your character than your comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than he is making your life happy.”

I’m looking for comfort when maybe God is trying to stretch me; He’s trying to help me build character. Many times it’s hard to understand what God is doing… what He’s planning. Right now, it’s all pretty unclear, but I keep trusting. When things get difficult, I turn to Him for answers. And when those answers don’t come, I must learn to wait… patiently.

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