Saturday, November 8, 2014


My sister and I used to always talk about how we loved the phrase, "Be fearless." It's such a strong statement that allows us to dream. There is no reason to fear; we should simply live each day as it comes and embrace all it's wonder.

I was reading an article titled "Why the 'Future' is the New Swear Word for College Students" on Thought Catalog. The author discussed our culture's need to be constantly planning for the future. I see this a lot with my students (especially seniors). They have people coming at them from all angles telling them they need to apply for scholarships, start deciding on a college, and once in college, they must determine a major. It's a lot for anyone to take in, especially someone who is barely an "adult."

Why do we feel the need to plan? Why do we feel that there are time limits on when things are supposed to happen? I'm sure much of this comes from our need to fit in and the constant comparisons we make with those around us. It's easy to say that we don't care about what others think, but this simply isn't true.

What do we do when things don't go as we planned? I know I start to feel defeated. I lose sight of my purpose. Quite frankly, I throw myself a pity party and invite everyone around me. (You're welcome.) But what if I decided to take a different approach? As mentioned in the article, the future is limitless. We can dream and wonder. We can stand and face the future fearlessly, knowing that the possibilities are endless. The future doesn't have to be scary. In fact, it's anything but... it's limitless.

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