Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thoughts That Become Words

Isn't if funny how quickly we forget? The days go by, and we forget important aspects that steer us from the happiness that we all deserve. This time change has really got me confused. I realize that I actually have gained an hour of sleep, but for some reason I'm waking up long before my alarm, leaving me sleepy and a tad bit crabby by the end of the day.

This morning I started thinking about the choices we make each day. Not just in our actions, but in our thoughts. It's so difficult, nearly impossible, to change our thoughts. Our mind wanders to places we don't want to visit. We think about the past and fret about the future. We create scenarios in our minds, most of which will never take place.

Cue self-discipline exercises. Is it possible to shift our thoughts to a "happy place?" The answer is yes, but it takes work. We must make a point to bathe in positivity rather than negative thoughts. Not only does this make our days much more enjoyable, but it makes us kinder people. You see, our thoughts become our words. Because I am a person that wrestles with self-worth, those negative thoughts become the words that I speak to myself. It's much easier for me to give someone else a compliment, as opposed to myself. I know that I'm not alone on that one. In Proverbs 18:21 it reads, "Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life." The tongue, our words, make all the difference. We have a choice as to how we think, talk to ourselves, and talk to others. I don't know about you, but I choose happy thoughts.

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