Monday, November 12, 2012


Often I find myself searching for inspiration. I feel uneasy, so I start reading articles or books that may have some sort of an "answer" for those unsettling feelings. There are times that I fall short. Other times I find that "nugget" that pulls me away from a rotten feeling. Tonight, as I bounced around online, I came across "4 Ways to Have Contentment." Boy, was I in need of these comforting words.

Here are some of my thoughts:

1. We can have contentment by trusting that God will provide whatever is necessary. The word "trust" continues to pop up as I study, read, listen... it is all over. The article mentions that there are over 6,000 promises in the Bible that are ours to claim. So, why do we habitually try to take our lives into our own hands? We push God away. This is silly because He is the only one that knows what is necessary in our lives. Trust Him.

2. We can have contentment by shifting our emphasis to what God has given us rather than what we lack. Just has Adam and Eve were tempted by the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we continue to want what we don't have. We focus on what we lack, rather than trusting that God has given us exactly what we need at this point in our lives.

3. We can have contentment by acknowledging the face that we deserve much less than what God has already given us. I am so fortunate. I have been blessed with more than I will ever deserve. I continue to sin, yet I have been given family, friends, a job, a home with clean water. This is only the beginning of the uncountable blessings given to me by Him.

4. We have contentment by believing that what God has withheld is actually no good. Sometimes unanswered prayers are hard to wrap our human minds around; however, His plan is much greater than anything we can imagine.

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