Monday, November 5, 2012


I was reminded today of the importance of flexibility. I'm not talking about the slightly awkward stretches in pilates; however, who doesn't love turning into a pretzel?

No, I am talking about the ability to go with the flow and adapt according to the situation at hand. After a solid nine hours of sleep Sunday night, I was ready to tackle the week. Before leaving school last week, I was sure to have this week's lesson plans set so I would be free of homework. By the time second period rolled around, I realized that the story I was teaching was no where to be found. Sure enough, I had overlooked the note that said, "Print pdf and copy." Whoopsie daisy. As I went to print, the printer was "busy." Whatever that means. At any rate, my lesson plans were shot.

After joking with my students about how I had just wasted 46 minutes of their lives, they assured me that it was okay (of course... they were about to gossip about the events of the weekend... shysters). In a last-ditch effort, I had the kids do a quick writing including a "butterfly effect" (I swear this is relevant in my lesson). It wasn't the most effective assignment, but at least I can say they did something... well, kinda.

As I drove home today, I started thinking about the notion of flexibility. I was reminded of my time in Haiti. It was more than necessary to be flexible the days we were without water or as the tentative schedule happened to change. Making plans is important, but adjusting is vital. Over plan and go with the flow. This has become the story of my life as a teacher.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. 
It is the one that is most adaptable the change." - Charles Darwin

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