Saturday, August 31, 2013

Just An Update

Week two at school was a success! To be completely honest, I have found myself overwhelmed with emotions lately. It's hard to put into words, but I am absolutely loving where I am in life. Even different aspects that often leave me feeling defeated are not bothering me. Sure, I have my moments, but for the most part, I am content.

This last week was kind of a whirlwind. Teaching is so complex for many reasons. As I spoke about a certain issue with one of my best friends, she mentioned, "If all you had to do was teach, it would be easy." Amen, sista!! The truth is, I am much more than just a teacher. I am there to act as a mentor. Life is not easy for a lot of kids. It's really not fair what so many of them have to deal with, and I take pride in being someone they can turn to for guidance. Each day, I am learning more and growing as a professional. I am becoming closer with my colleagues, and I am feeling more secure with myself. I am learning when to turn to others for help. I am more comfortable with my lessons and the content in my discipline. It's really a wonderful feeling.

Last night, I went to our football game. It was so fun and a great way to wrap up the week. We were playing our rival, and we brought home a victory and the traveling trophy :-) I sat with another teacher, and we chatted throughout the entire game. Some of my former students came by to say "hi." It was really great to lay my head on the pillow last night with a big smile on my face.

If you didn't already know, College Gameday is on and tailgating is taking place throughout the country. My Panthers are taking on ISU, and I am also cheering on the Hawkeyes today. Yay for long weekends!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Notes to Myself

It's funny how you can "get lost" while on the internet. I found myself reading a blog today called Schmidt Talk. The post I was reading was titled "25 Things I Want Myself to Know at 25." It inspired me to do something quite similar. So, here are 27 things I want my 27 year old self to know:

  1. You will always be taken care of.
  2. Listen. People love to share about themselves. Be the person they want to come and talk with.
  3. Spend more time with my family. Cherish the moments together.
  4. Know when to ask for help. You can’t do it all on your own, and this is okay.
  5. Be selfless, but don’t forget about yourself.
  6. Always smile. People gravitate towards happiness.
  7. Teach from the heart. Don’t let other people opinions of teaching cover up what you believe in as a teacher.
  8. Changing priorities is okay. In fact, sometimes it’s necessary.
  9. Manage money. Never spend more than you have.
  10. Eat well and exercise daily. You only have one body, so take care of it.
  11. Let the past be the past. There is no use stirring up old situations and emotions. While the past does shape you, it doesn’t have to define you.
  12. Always believe in love. It’s the greatest gift to give and receive.
  13. Stay in community with others. God created people to be around people. Alone time is necessary, but don’t stay there too long.
  14. Stay in touch with friends.
  15. Don’t just text. Call.
  16. Don’t spend too much time on Facebook. Generally it just puts you in a bad mood, so why do that to yourself? Stop.
  17. Be hungry to learn. Your brain will only stretch if you allow it to. Keep stretching.
  18. Read and write. It’s not always going to be your favorite book or best piece of writing, but be persistent in growing as a reader and writer.
  19. Pray for others. It works.
  20. Go to church weekly. Being in community keeps you Christ-centered.
  21. Build a healthier self-image. Learn to love it all.
  22. Read the Bible.
  23. It is okay to have a bad day. “It’s a bad day, not a bad life.”
  24. Get enough sleep.
  25. Make time for people. Stop multi-tasking and focus on what those people have to say.
  26. You’re right where you need to be.
  27. Surrender. God’s got it, so stop worrying and trust His great word. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Day of School

Creative title, huh? After all the thinking I've been doing the past few days, I thought it would be best to keep it simple :-)

As I drove to school this morning, my mind was going in about seventy different directions. I was thinking about each class period. Did I have everything printed and in order? I started thinking about the upcoming weekend. My mind wandered to other obligations and responsibilities. Luckily, I was so tired last night that sleep wasn't an issue, so I was all rested up. It never fails though, each morning I feel like a scatterbrain as soon as I enter school. I'm running around thinking, "Oh my gosh, what am I teaching first hour?!?" Generally, things work themselves out, and before I know it, the day is over.

I won't get into too much detail, but I left school tonight feeling excited for the upcoming year. The dynamics of my classes are going to be much different. It will take some used to, but it will be a good way to keep me on my toes. It was nice to see so many familiar faces in my classes. I am so much more comfortable than I was last year (obviously). Hopefully this excitement can follow me throughout the school year.

To be totally honest, I am extremely tired. It was a good first day of school, and there is no doubt in my mind it will be a good night's sleep tonight as well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Who You Could Be...

Today I headed back to school for my first of two professional development days before the kids arrive on Thursday. The summer was short, but they always are. I am ready to go back and excited to be around my colleagues and students.

Before we moved into the various activities today, we got a little pep talk from our superintendent. It wasn't a drawn out speech. To be honest, if one wasn't paying attention, it would have been over before it even started. However, I am excited about the year and very thirsty to learn new things to improve my teaching and continue my positive attitude. He spoke about how impressionable kids are. He reminded us of what is was like to be a student. Didn't we all have a teacher that we looked up to? A couple of teachers popped into my head, as I know they did for those around me. The fact is, we all have teachers that have left impressions on our hearts. He encouraged us to think about that as we start our school year. "You could be that teacher." Those words resonated with me. I could be that teacher that a student remembers. I could be the one that leaves an impression on someone's heart. How many professions have the ability to reach out and touch the lives of so many? I consider myself very blessed and incredibly grateful to call myself a teacher.

As I sit here thinking of the events of the day, I can't help but continue to soak up these words. "You could be that teacher." How does one "be that teacher"? The way I see it, I can care about each student. It's not always easy, but it makes all the difference in the world. I will continue to be honest with my students. Each of them deserves respect, and I hope to give that to them. I will continue to believe in their abilities. Creating an environment that is safe and comfortable is not always easy, but it is how I plan to "be that teacher."

Wish me luck!! Whoop, whoop!!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Build Those Muscles

Recently I have started a new weight lifting program. I have jumped on board with the "Strong is the New Skinny" movement. It really is quite empowering to build muscles. There are meal plans and other tips that comes along with the program. As the school year begins this week, I think it will much easier to follow. I have really missed having a routine.

While I am very interesting in fitness and exercise, physical muscles are not what I intend to blog about today. I was unable to make it to church yesterday morning, so I listened to a podcast of a sermon from my former church. It's kind of funny when I do that because I catch myself nodding along as I run along the streets. (I am totally that kid in class that nods so that the teacher knows someone gets it). At any rate, I was very touched by the message.

The minister spoke about the cycle that Christians often go through on their faith journeys. As humans, it's easy to want to lose faith when bad things happen. We start questioning God. How could He let this happen? How does He let good things happen to good people? These questions don't make us any less Christian. In fact, they only draw us closer to Him. That questioning is a part of cycle, and it is necessary to make us stronger. The minister called this cycle 'The Slinky Effect.' Pretty scientific, huh? Ha... that's what I love about it. This idea is real. 

"Faith is like a muscle. You have to use it in order for it to become stronger." If you stay in one spot, you will continue to be there. You need to stretch and exercise your faith just as you do your muscles. Pretty cool analogy, huh? I am still letting it all sink in this morning. It's funny though. I feel like it was exactly what I needed to hear yesterday. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Loved Along The Way

It's no secret that I have a slightly unhealthy relationship with Eric Church. I won't even begin to describe it, but I just love him. I was listening to his "Carolina" Album as I worked on lesson plans, and I found myself listening intently to the lyrics of "Those I've Loved." Each verse spoke to me in a different way.

Not everyone we meet stays in our lives, and that is okay. I think back to my best friends when I was younger, through college, and even throughout the past years. It's funny how we see our lives going one way with those best friends, when somewhere along the way things change. People change. Our relationships change. Certain people stay. They are who I call my forever friends, and I am blessed to have them in my life. They always know what to say. If I have had a bad day, they hear it in my voice. When I'm confident and smiley, they are alongside rejoicing. It's truly amazing how some people just mesh so well together.

But for those that haven't remained close, I am learning to be thankful for the times they were my best friends. They were all placed in my life for a specific reason. I love all my best friends, even if I haven't talked to them in years. Even if there were hard feelings at the time. The fact is "I wouldn't be who I am today if not for those I've loved along the way."

Forever Friend

This morning I can't stop thinking about my sister, Sarah. Yesterday she wrapped up a summer as a camp counselor. It couldn't have been more perfect for her. She has a huge heart and a wonderful way of reaching out to kids. As the summer closes, I'm sure she has many bittersweet feelings as she starts to think about her sophomore year of college.

I have spoken to more than one person this week about conflicts with siblings. It's funny because I don't really remember having huge issues with my brother or my sister. Obviously, my brother and I had quite a few spats growing up because he is just two years older than me. As for my sister, who is eight years younger, I can't think of any major fights. I know we have yelled at each other, but nothing has caused us to hold grudges or go for long periods of time without speaking. We are pretty good about respecting each other and talking through any problems that may occur.

There are many things I love about my sister. She is creative and whitty. There is something that is very contagious about her. More than anything, when I am with her, it feels like home. She's my little Missy Boo, and I am forever grateful for our friendship.

There is a saying that talks about how you don't get to choose your family. While this is true, in many respects I would choose mine all over again. As we get older, it is even more fun to be together. Yes, we argue, but that is cancelled out by our laughter.

I pray for my sister as she tackles her next adventure. I know she'll be great. She's a fighter and much stronger than she would ever admit. I'm excited to see where this year takes my forever friend.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I have a few positive thoughts to get your mind in gear and your heart smiling on this Thankful Thursday :-)

It's easy to forget that everyone's life has a great purpose. Each person has a talent that is just waiting to be used in a very specific way. We are all beautifully unique.

Not only is this written by my favorite author, but it holds great truth. Each day is a new start, and it is a choice. We are all strong enough to reach for change. We can all achieve great things to be proud of.

This is just an amazing concept to aim towards. Each day, consider how you are touching those around you. I want to be a role model. I want someone to not only believe in me, but look up to my decisions.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Make It Your Own

I just wrapped up another day at school, preparing for the upcoming year. It's funny how I didn't actually end up doing what I went there to do. With that said, I feel like I was productive and did get some things accomplished. The truth of the matter is, I will never being fully prepared and that's okay :-)

On my way home, I chatted with my best friend as she was on a long car ride back home. She is going through some major transitions, and I listened as she expressed her feelings. Like many things in life, situations are bittersweet. We have to let some things go in order to move forward. We have to break out of our comfort zones in order to fully understand and appreciate ourselves. It really got me thinking about how important it is to take risks. While some of these risks may not seem like that big of a deal, they often prepare us for what is to come.

Over the past year, I have learned to stand on my own two feet. This isn't to say that I don't wobble every now and then. I know when to ask for help and when to take it on myself. People go through different things at various points in their lives, and it is unfair to compare ourselves to others. While we can look to others for guidance, it is nearly impossible to fully understand a situation until we have lived it ourselves.

As my best friend and I spoke, I thought about where I am teaching. It was a decision I made on my own. Yes, I asked friends and family for their opinions, but ultimately, I decided on my own. Nobody really understands this part of my life but me. I get it, and that is what matters right now. I needed to have this time on my own, otherwise I may have regretted it. This past year has strengthen me and given me confidence. There were times of struggle, but they have allowed me to become the person I am today. I would encourage everyone to find time to make something his or her own. You'll never regret it.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Back in the Swing of It

It's been a crazy couple of days, and today it all caught up with me. I was all over the place yesterday, going from a hair appointment to a baseball game and then to sand volleyball. So many activities, but it felt great to be around people and keep busy. I forgot how much I love being busy. Downtime is not my thing. I didn't ever learn how to lounge (even in college). I'm getting off track here...

I'm not sure if it was because I was tired, but I started to get those bittersweet feelings. My school's baseball team lost yesterday in the semi-finals. The opposing team was tough and, in my opinion, played with a different style. At any rate, their season was excellent. Everyone is very proud of their accomplishments. It was almost like the summer was wrapped up at the conclusion of the game.

Today, I made my way to school to work on curriculum and to do some organizing in my classroom. To be honest, I didn't want to leave. After almost four hours, I told myself that enough was enough. I was exhausted from the night before (I stayed up too late reading... nerd alert), but as I headed home, I felt a rush of excitement. School is less than two weeks away, and there is so much to do. There are so many ideas floating around in my head, and while this should be overwhelming, I can't help but love every minute of it. I was so happy as I chatted with teachers, bopped around school, and worked through lesson plans. Pretty soon I'll be laying out my outfit for the first day of school... I kid, I kid.

As I finish up at a weekend with my family, I can't help but be excited to be back in the swing of it. I am a girl that loves her routine, and I can hardly wait to start a new school year!