Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Who You Could Be...

Today I headed back to school for my first of two professional development days before the kids arrive on Thursday. The summer was short, but they always are. I am ready to go back and excited to be around my colleagues and students.

Before we moved into the various activities today, we got a little pep talk from our superintendent. It wasn't a drawn out speech. To be honest, if one wasn't paying attention, it would have been over before it even started. However, I am excited about the year and very thirsty to learn new things to improve my teaching and continue my positive attitude. He spoke about how impressionable kids are. He reminded us of what is was like to be a student. Didn't we all have a teacher that we looked up to? A couple of teachers popped into my head, as I know they did for those around me. The fact is, we all have teachers that have left impressions on our hearts. He encouraged us to think about that as we start our school year. "You could be that teacher." Those words resonated with me. I could be that teacher that a student remembers. I could be the one that leaves an impression on someone's heart. How many professions have the ability to reach out and touch the lives of so many? I consider myself very blessed and incredibly grateful to call myself a teacher.

As I sit here thinking of the events of the day, I can't help but continue to soak up these words. "You could be that teacher." How does one "be that teacher"? The way I see it, I can care about each student. It's not always easy, but it makes all the difference in the world. I will continue to be honest with my students. Each of them deserves respect, and I hope to give that to them. I will continue to believe in their abilities. Creating an environment that is safe and comfortable is not always easy, but it is how I plan to "be that teacher."

Wish me luck!! Whoop, whoop!!!

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