Saturday, August 24, 2013

Notes to Myself

It's funny how you can "get lost" while on the internet. I found myself reading a blog today called Schmidt Talk. The post I was reading was titled "25 Things I Want Myself to Know at 25." It inspired me to do something quite similar. So, here are 27 things I want my 27 year old self to know:

  1. You will always be taken care of.
  2. Listen. People love to share about themselves. Be the person they want to come and talk with.
  3. Spend more time with my family. Cherish the moments together.
  4. Know when to ask for help. You can’t do it all on your own, and this is okay.
  5. Be selfless, but don’t forget about yourself.
  6. Always smile. People gravitate towards happiness.
  7. Teach from the heart. Don’t let other people opinions of teaching cover up what you believe in as a teacher.
  8. Changing priorities is okay. In fact, sometimes it’s necessary.
  9. Manage money. Never spend more than you have.
  10. Eat well and exercise daily. You only have one body, so take care of it.
  11. Let the past be the past. There is no use stirring up old situations and emotions. While the past does shape you, it doesn’t have to define you.
  12. Always believe in love. It’s the greatest gift to give and receive.
  13. Stay in community with others. God created people to be around people. Alone time is necessary, but don’t stay there too long.
  14. Stay in touch with friends.
  15. Don’t just text. Call.
  16. Don’t spend too much time on Facebook. Generally it just puts you in a bad mood, so why do that to yourself? Stop.
  17. Be hungry to learn. Your brain will only stretch if you allow it to. Keep stretching.
  18. Read and write. It’s not always going to be your favorite book or best piece of writing, but be persistent in growing as a reader and writer.
  19. Pray for others. It works.
  20. Go to church weekly. Being in community keeps you Christ-centered.
  21. Build a healthier self-image. Learn to love it all.
  22. Read the Bible.
  23. It is okay to have a bad day. “It’s a bad day, not a bad life.”
  24. Get enough sleep.
  25. Make time for people. Stop multi-tasking and focus on what those people have to say.
  26. You’re right where you need to be.
  27. Surrender. God’s got it, so stop worrying and trust His great word. 

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