Monday, August 5, 2013

Back in the Swing of It

It's been a crazy couple of days, and today it all caught up with me. I was all over the place yesterday, going from a hair appointment to a baseball game and then to sand volleyball. So many activities, but it felt great to be around people and keep busy. I forgot how much I love being busy. Downtime is not my thing. I didn't ever learn how to lounge (even in college). I'm getting off track here...

I'm not sure if it was because I was tired, but I started to get those bittersweet feelings. My school's baseball team lost yesterday in the semi-finals. The opposing team was tough and, in my opinion, played with a different style. At any rate, their season was excellent. Everyone is very proud of their accomplishments. It was almost like the summer was wrapped up at the conclusion of the game.

Today, I made my way to school to work on curriculum and to do some organizing in my classroom. To be honest, I didn't want to leave. After almost four hours, I told myself that enough was enough. I was exhausted from the night before (I stayed up too late reading... nerd alert), but as I headed home, I felt a rush of excitement. School is less than two weeks away, and there is so much to do. There are so many ideas floating around in my head, and while this should be overwhelming, I can't help but love every minute of it. I was so happy as I chatted with teachers, bopped around school, and worked through lesson plans. Pretty soon I'll be laying out my outfit for the first day of school... I kid, I kid.

As I finish up at a weekend with my family, I can't help but be excited to be back in the swing of it. I am a girl that loves her routine, and I can hardly wait to start a new school year!

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