Friday, August 9, 2013

Loved Along The Way

It's no secret that I have a slightly unhealthy relationship with Eric Church. I won't even begin to describe it, but I just love him. I was listening to his "Carolina" Album as I worked on lesson plans, and I found myself listening intently to the lyrics of "Those I've Loved." Each verse spoke to me in a different way.

Not everyone we meet stays in our lives, and that is okay. I think back to my best friends when I was younger, through college, and even throughout the past years. It's funny how we see our lives going one way with those best friends, when somewhere along the way things change. People change. Our relationships change. Certain people stay. They are who I call my forever friends, and I am blessed to have them in my life. They always know what to say. If I have had a bad day, they hear it in my voice. When I'm confident and smiley, they are alongside rejoicing. It's truly amazing how some people just mesh so well together.

But for those that haven't remained close, I am learning to be thankful for the times they were my best friends. They were all placed in my life for a specific reason. I love all my best friends, even if I haven't talked to them in years. Even if there were hard feelings at the time. The fact is "I wouldn't be who I am today if not for those I've loved along the way."

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