Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Teacher's Holy Ground

I've been in a few teacher's lounges in my day. I remember growing up a teacher's kid and having access to the copy machine, three-hole punch, and more shades of construction paper than you could dream of. I didn't abuse my "power" as a teacher's kid, but I do remember a time when I stapled my finger... what can I say? I was a bright child.

When I began my journey towards becoming an English teacher, I found myself viewing the teacher's lounge a little bit differently. It is now the center for chocolatey treats and "adult discussions." Hey, sometimes you just have to get away from high school drama and chats about the school dress code. However, there are many conversations about students take place in these little rooms. That's right, we just can't get enough of the kiddos. It's hard not to slip in a few comments about students while we snarf down our sandwiches and diet soda, because we all know that teachers are generally allowed 20 minutes to eat, check their email, and slip in and out of the bathroom.

You may ask, what else happens in there? Well, it's pretty thrilling, let me tell ya. There is this machine we call the "copier" where rubrics and worksheets make their way from the "hot press" to the paws of our students. And, of course, there are mailboxes full of teacher junk mail. You thought that you only received that stuff at home... well, you have been mistaken. I throw away more magazines and "Letters to the Drama Teacher" than you can imagine. The best part of my current teacher's lounge: a pop machine with cans for only 50 cents. Yes, they do still exist.

So, students, if you try to peak into the teacher's holy ground, do so cautiously. For this is the place where teachers get crazy as they sip on Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi and cackle about the latest gossip. 

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