Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bladin' Bia

Years ago, my sister and I decided we would each like a new pair of roller blades. We made our way to Target and bought matching pairs – same color, same size. We were ready to hit the streets.

I really latched onto roller blading; my sister, on the other hand, didn’t. To this day I still ask if should would join me as I glide across the side streets of our hometown, but generally, she isn’t having it.

As you can about imagine, my roller blades are shot. The gliding is becoming more and more difficult, and I’m beginning to be a tad bit embarrassed of the scratches and dents as I slip my feet into them. What can I expect? They were less than 40 bucks at the time.

When it comes to roller blading, you really have to think it through. First of all, consider the streets/paths. There is nothing worse that finding yourself on a rocky road that allows no gliding what so ever. Not only does it make for a long trip, but you look extremely silly “avoiding” bumps when you are wearing roller blades.

The other consideration is how tired you really are before you set out on the journey. Think about this: if you are running and get tired, you walk. If you are biking and get tired, I suppose you could walk your bike. If you are roller blading and are tired… you roller blade. Are you really going to take off your blades and walk in socks all the way home? I didn’t think so. Roller blading is a great workout, and you must be prepared.

Maybe some time soon my sister will hop back into her roller blades. Maybe I will actually get a nice pair that rides smooth down the road. Until then, this bladin’ bia is riding solo. 

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