Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Old Entries

The other day my mom told me I needed to revisit some old boxes in her closets. Of course, this was in hopes that I would throw out those items that no longer have sentimental value to me. Why is it so hard to get rid of old pictures, notes, and newspaper clippings? Do I really need a birthday card from my best friend from third grade? Does she even remember me?

I have high school scrapbooks, pictures of friends, and even some papers from college that I worked super hard on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hoarder. I actually hate clutter and junk scattered everywhere; however, I still find it difficult to let go of certain items. Interestingly enough, I came across a few old journals and diaries that had scribbles, drawings, and my deepest feelings of the time written all over them.

I loved listening to my "old self" spill her guts and share her troubles. The most rewarding part of reading old entries is seeing the spiritual and emotional growth that takes place. As we go through our days, it's hard to know if we are moving forward or making progress in our lives. It was evident after reading some of my words that I really have grown. I have learned from mistakes; I have overcame heartache.

I don't know if I will ever get rid of those old entries. They are a part of me - all the triumphs and mistakes brought me here today.

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