Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Together Works

Is this week dragging on, or is it just me? I must just be excited for the upcoming weekend :-)

This morning I spent time sharing pictures and experiences from my trip to Haiti. I was in a high school World Geography classroom, and then I bee-bopped over to the third graders. I was very pleased at the great responses and questions that I received. It has been so rewarding sharing what I have learned. Each day I am surprised at how much I learned in Haiti. I am so far from knowing it all, and I plan to continue this curiosity and willingness to grow.

While in Haiti, we saw a lot of broken down vehicles and unused tools. Many of these were "gifts" from American missionaries in hopes of helping advance the country. While the gestures are commendable, they were lacking one thing: togetherness. People were not showing the Haitians how to use the materials. Giving hand-outs only works for so long. If people are not taught how to do a task, it becomes worthless.

"If you give a man to fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him a lifetime."

This is true in many parts of our lives. If we learn how to do something, we take pride in it. The things I have worked hardest at are the same things that I value the most. As we made the desks for the schools in Haiti, it was important for Haitians to be sanding, varnishing, etc. along with us. We were building desks; we were building relationships.

Rather than explaining a task, often it feels easier to just do it ourselves. We all must be willing to not only learn, but also teach. We are all teachers in one way or another. Sharing our talents is how we all become better.

Together we can learn. Together we can teacher. Together just works.

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