Friday, June 24, 2011

You've Got Snail Mail

Another beautiful summer morning! I suppose it's a good thing I never sleep in and miss the chirping birds and misty grass. On this particular morning, I am up and excited for the day. I will be traveling to Des Moines to attend a wedding for my friends Kelli and Dennis. I will be seeing people from high school, which can sometimes be nerve-wracking; however, it's going to be a fun time!

I will be the first to admit that I am not overly “tech savvy.” However, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Social networks, texting, and email are the basis of communication today. Sometimes it drives me crazy when people act “scared” of technology (sorry Mom and Dad). It is changing so much, and we are all learning. The fact is that these types of communication are not the wave of the future. They are today. Which means, in order to keep up, we should participate.

I love the movie, “You’ve Got Mail.” I mean, come on… with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, you just can’t go wrong. The screenplay for this film is outstanding. Love. It.
            Joe Fox (Tom Hanks): You’ve… got mail.
            Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan): Yes!
            Joe Fox: Some very powerful words.
            Kathleen Kelly: Yes….

Don’t feel bad if you shed a few tears…


Here’s where I begin to contradict myself…

Snail mail makes my day. There is something about opening an envelope to find a card, letter, or invitation. My friend Katherine loves browsing through the Hallmark store, so I can usually count on her for a laugh and a smile. So, if you want to know a way to my heart, send me some snail mail.

Bills can stay far away (I’m talking to you, Von Maur.)

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