Saturday, July 20, 2013

Be Yogi

 I always enjoy trying new things, especially when they are active. I think it's important to continue to challenge yourself both mentally and physically. This summer, I have tried a few different yoga classes.  It's been interesting, mostly because I was never really into the meditation side of yoga. I am a person that wants to go hard and then peace out. Yoga, as you probably already know, is the complete opposite. You are challenged to slow down with poses that stretch muscles and improve balance. Along with that, yoga teaches you how to focus on breathing and searching for peace of mind.

With the different classes I've tried, the most interesting would probably hot yoga. You literally practice yoga in a room that is between 90-100 degrees. For a person that sweats profusely, this is pretty extreme. The first class I went to I really enjoyed. I felt like I was able to perform the sequences fairly well. The other class was a different story. We must have signed up for a higher difficulty level because it was hard! Not only were the sequences more challenging, the room was hotter. Needless to say, I wanted to pass out or throw up after the hour was complete.

Last night, I met with a few girls for Yoga on the Glen. One of the yoga studios in the area puts on an outdoor class along with a reggae band. The class was pretty awesome, and it was fun to do alongside my girlfriends. The only part that I wasn't necessary used to was the "free love" element that guided us through the class. I'm all about love, but when the instructor starting skipping around the lawn, I was a little taken aback. At any rate, I felt great when we were done. I would really like to start doing more yoga, but we'll have to see!

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