Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm Packing

No, I did not buy a gun, and I am not carrying any sort of weapon. I realized today that I have a case of over packing. I left yesterday at 4:00 to stay with in Des Moines for one night, and guess how many bags I brought. Four. And a purse. Completely unnecessary.

Now let me justify this absurdity. Of course I need a bag with clothes, hair supplies, and shoes (yes, that’s plural). It’s just so hard to know what I will feel like wearing tomorrow. I hate planning that out; therefore, I over pack in hopes that one option will look good to me.

I also brought a bag with my book, laptop, and planner. I don’t know why I think I have to bring “activities” to fill up my time when I go places, but really, you just never know. I have already used my laptop (right now) and read my book. So, there.

My gym bag. I always have this on hand. I never know if I will have to opportunity to run or workout, and in this case, I was able to hit up the gym after breakfast. A quick and dirty workout, but it’s better than nothing, right?

My last bag was packed with good intentions, but is still sitting in my car. I had a change of clothes for last night, but I just wasn’t feeling it once I arrived last night. There is a comforting feeling knowing that it is there if I needed it.

Even when I go home for the night I tend to over pack, which is silly because my sister pretty much has anything I would ever need. I just hate forgetting something and feeling unprepared; however, I don’t think it’s necessary to bring four t-shirts and six pairs of socks for two days. I guess I’m always prepared to share :-) 

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