Sunday, January 22, 2012

What You See, Not What You Get

Recently I decided to take a break from Facebook. I realized that I was spending too much time sifting through people's pages and pictures, many of which I knew very little about. The status updates and vacation pictures were making me crabby and uneasy. Why was I putting myself through this for no reason? I decided to take charge and put an end to my Facebook agony.

I started doing a little bit of research about social media and its affects on people's lives. I found an article in Real Simple magazine that put things into perspective for me.

Interpretation. It's impossible to really know what people are thinking and feeling by way of their status updates. As we read through our "friends'" statuses, we can never really be sure if that person means what they post. Are they trying to exaggerate? Are they seeking attention? The article suggests that some people are sharing to overcompensate for something that they are missing in their real life. If we tell our "friends" that we are happy, then maybe it will come true. Overall, I see a lot of people seeking attention.

Think before you type. If you would not post on national television, then you should not post on Facebook, essentially it's the same thing. This includes the overwhelming vulgar comments that you wouldn't want your grandma to read.

"Although 91 percent of respondents said that social media made them feel more connected, on 29 percent said that it made them happier." This is where I found myself. I was only feeling bitter about what I was seeing. I watched "friends" post happy (perhaps exaggerated) updates, and while I was happy for those that matter to me, I was sick of the bragging. It was becoming an unhealthy habit. The world wide web can be a very lonely place.

I'm not a total downer. I see the importance of being connected, and I also think it can be quite fun. There are a lot of tools and resources that can be used through social media. I just want to caution y'all by saying what you see may not be what you get.

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