Thursday, September 22, 2011

Missing Motivation

Has anyone seen my motivation? I seem to have misplaced it somewhere along with my favorite black hoodie.

In order to complete my student teaching experience, earn my teaching certificate, and graduate, I have to submit a teacher work sample that consists of lesson plans, assessments, sample work, and a whole lot of buzz words (“academic language”). It’s very tedious and not my idea of a good time.

I have been opening up the document every afternoon, and all that happens is… nothing. I have little direction and motivation. My “center” is a part of a pilot group that is trying out a new type of assessment, which means no one has a clue what’s going on. I have been trying to “go with the flow,” but this can only happen for so long. It is due mid-October, and I am not even through the first section.

Clearly, I need some help here people. So if you find my motivation, please contact me via Twitter @annajnelly. Thank you. 

1 comment:

  1. Anna- I was in the same boat when I did my student teaching. My cohort thought I was crazy to not be working on it as much as they were. Eventually, you will find that motivation and fly through the TWS. It's just another hoop in order to do what you love.
