Saturday, September 24, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

Sometimes as I lay down to count a few zzz's for the evening, I reflect back on all of the events of the day. Of course this can be a time to learn from mistakes and even praise myself for the good things that may have occurred. And, of course, some days are more eventful than others. Not every day can be super exciting and packed with life lessons.

Yesterday was a total whirl-wind for me. It was like someone put me on a roller coaster without letting me know. Thanks for the heads up. Sheesh! 

In a nutshell, I managed to have a good day with my students (productivity and fun!!!), learn a huge teaching lesson in the span of approximately two hours, and "play bartender" until the wee hours of the night. I was emotionally and physically tired by the end of my Friday. 

When I woke up, I thought of this verse from Ecclesiastes 7:14: "On a good day, enjoy yourself. On a bad day, examine your conscience. God arranges for both kinds of days so that we won't take anything for granted." 

I was able to have all of that rolled into one long day. However, today I am feeling overwhelmed, refreshed, and ready to learn and move on. Yes, the saying goes as such: what a difference a day makes. 

Happy weekend :-)

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