Thursday, June 7, 2012


Do you suffer from FOMO? It's a know fact that we all do in one way or another. As humans, we all want to be loved and accepted. So don't fret if you have come down with symptoms common to other sufferers.

Just chill out. You don't need to be checking for reddish colored bumps on your arms. I'm not asking your to see a doctor. I'm talking about Fear Of Missing Out - otherwise known as FOMO.

We are so connected to one another. We are constantly checking phones, emails, and social networking accounts. There is a constant fear that we may miss a party invite or the birth of a high school friends second baby. Would it really be the end of the world if we didn't find out that our third cousin got a promotion for the seventh time this year? Why are we so obsessed with checking in? Do you really feel better finding out information before your colleague sitting in a nearby cubical?

The problem with FOMO syndrome is that it is unavoidable. We are never going to be able to know everything; we will always be missing out on something. So, how do we cope with FOMO? My best answer is to live for you. There is always going to be someone experiencing great things, and it's okay to have a little bit of envy. However, it is important to be proud of our accomplishments. We all should know that there isn't one great life. We cannot possibly have the best life. We are all capable of living our own best life.

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