Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Good Day

I think it's easy to underestimate a good day. Often we take for granted the small blessings that make up our good days. I spent a lot of yesterday smiling and thinking about how great the day was from start to finish. I want to share with you what made it so great, in hopes that you will remember to recognize the good that occurs each day when we take time to see it.

I have been thoroughly enjoying my workout classes at Kosama. I feel much stronger as the instructors push me to limits that I wouldn't do individually. They are knowledgable and take interest in every person that attends each class. Yesterday was circuit training, and I left sweaty and strong.

I had a good day with the kiddos (I used to hate when people used this term, but it fits them so well... what do you do?). We had a few issues with attitude, but overall, we are starting to get used to one another. I took them to the Des Moines Arts Festival, which was full of activities and neat things to see. I feel youthful around them, which is important. I love how they continue to keep me on my toes :-)

After I got home, I spent a good amount of time chatting with my grandpa. Sometimes he gets to be a little overwhelming, but I know it is important to take time to reconnect, talk, and listen. While in many ways we are worlds apart, I am grateful for the kindness he continues to show me.

Then, the BEST part of my day - dinner and a movie with Beth! We had a chance to catch up at The Cheesecake Factory before we ventured over to the theatre to see "Rock of Ages." Oh. My. Gosh.... it's was amazing! I smiled the entire movie. I laughed, moved my feet to the beat, and enjoyed time with my friend. I really couldn't have picked a better person to share Milk Duds with. Seriously, y'all need to see this movie. I love musicals, 80's music, and now I have an official "girl crush" on Julianne Hough (that's normal, right?). I might have to buy the soundtrack... like, today. I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but he was awesome. And Beth left with a new crush - Diego Boneta. Just go to the movie, you'll understand ;-)

Off to apartment hunt this morning... don't worry, I've already grabbed my morning iced coffee. Happy Saturday peeps!!

Nala says hello :-)

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